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Thankful Thanksgiving Thursday

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

First off, Happy Thanksgiving! I hope that whatever you are doing today (parade going, football watching, turkey eating, shopping at midnight) is filled with plenty of things to be thankful for and brings you lots of laughs. B ran the Turkey Trot in the D this morning  and will be going to the Lion’s game later. The kids and I going to watch the parade(s) on tv and hopefully get some stuff done around the house before it’s time for the main event – turkey eating!

And now, in true blogger spirit, I am going to write about what I am thankful for.  Here goes:

~Healthy Babies. When people ask if I wanted a girl or am going to try for a girl or whatever, I just think to myself, no you twit, I just want HEALTHY babies.  Whatever they are.  And so I am thankful for L and WB, who in addition to being cuter than cute are healthy and happy.
~Kiehls Lip Balm.  If I leave my house without my Kiehls (or my iPhone), I get all nervous and panicky.  But when I get it back in my hot little hands I am so thankful.  For what?  Not having dry lips?  I don’t know.  I’m just thankful.
~Breaking Bad: B and I watched a few episodes last night and I realized I was all nervous and panicky.  I had my Kiehls right next to me (right where it belongs), so it wasn’t that.  And then it dawned on me.  Duh.  Breaking Bad is on.  Gets me every time.  So I’m thankful that I’m not a “cook” in real life or I would be so anxious all the time I wouldn’t even be able to function.
~My Husband.  It goes without saying that B is the bomb dot com (*) and I am so thankful he puts up with my sh*t. I don’t know what I’d do without him! Okay fine, I am really thankful that he looks super good without a shirt on too.
~Grandparents. Of course I am thankful for my parents who LOVE to hang out with L and take him on all sorts of amazing adventures that honestly, I don’t want to do. No I do not want to ride a train around 10x in a row.  But you know who does?  Grandparents.
 ~Sleeping In.  I don’t know what has gotten into my kids, but they have been crazy sleeping in lately.  I’m thankful that some days I can even get up and get things done before those two wake up and all h*ll breaks loose.
~Starbucks Salted Caramel Mochas. Do I even need to explain this?  I’m thankful someone thought to put salt hunks in a drink.
~My Blog Readers. I am super thankful that people actually read my blog and even more thankful when people comment!  Forget what I said about B, you guys are the bomb dot com.  BAHAHA!
~Online Shopping.  I can’t believe this is a somewhat recent development in the world. I feel horrible that our ancestors were forced to actually drive around to every store on the planet looking for the perfect gift.  I’m thankful I don’t have to do that!

And finally,  

~Target.  I am thankful for all the fabulous things Target brings to my life.  I am thankful that I have a bunch right near my house.  I am thankful that they have slushies so L is well behaved in the store.  I am thankful that a trip to Target can always fix my bad mood.  And I am thankful that Target has a Starbucks inside.

Now it’s your turn.  What are you thankful for?  Let’s hear it!

(*) You know where that’s from right? I am cracking up just writing it.

Disclosure: This list is not in order of importance nor does it include everything I am thankful for.  We don’t have all day here.  B ran a 10K faster than I could write this post.   

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!