Try It Tuesday

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

I haven’t done a Try It Tuesday in ages.  It’s probably been over a year!  Here’s how it works in case you forgot.  I pick five things and give them a try for a month or so.  At the end of the month, I report back on how I liked everything.  Get it?  Got it?  Good.

~Brazilian Peel: I have been taking a huge interest in my skin lately and when I saw this on Sephora, I thought, why not give it a try?  I did the first one yesterday (you do one a week for 4 weeks) and I am pleased to report that my face did not burn off.  I mean, you just never know.  However, I have really yet to notice any difference either.  But don’t these look cool?  Like a science project.  For your skin.

~Josie Maran Argan Oil: For the last few months, I have been breaking out like crazy (I suspect it’s got something to do with the hormone changes from having a baby?  Damn kids), so putting OIL on my skin is a bit scary.  But everyone raves about this stuff.  I mean raves. So why not give it a go?  In addition to using it on your skin, you can use it on  your nails and hair too.  So it my skin hates it, it won’t be a complete waste.

~WEN by Chaz Dean Healthy Care Kit: I’ve seen this on infomercials for ages now and have always wanted to try it.  I think we are all clear on my As Seen on TV love right?  But unlike lots of As Seen on TV crap, this stuff gets rave reviews.  And my hair could really use some TLC.  I am, gasp, getting a haircut on Saturday (by by inches of dead hair) and plan to start using this right after.  Oh and one more thing, when I first heard about this, I skipped right by the “Dean” part and wondered to myself why is Chaz Bono making a haircare line?

~Body Media CORE Armband: This one is all about B.  He bought this Body Media armband last week and has been wearing it non-stop.  It tracks things like your sleep efficiency, calories burned, steps taken, etc.  It’s actually quite interesting although I know how I sleep.  Like sh*t.

~Blogger: I have been toying with the idea about switching back to Blogger as my platform (I use WordPress now), but I am tore.  I love WordPress, but I seriously get hundreds and hundreds of spam messages a day that I need to go in and delete.  I hear that doesn’t happen with Blogger?  I am still on the fence with this, but don’t be surprised if my blog goes all wonky sometimes this month!

So that’s what I am trying this month.  Have you tried anything new lately?  Do you love it?  Hate it?  Let’s hear about it!

Disclosure: There are no affiliate links in this post (OMG I know), but if you buy one of the first three items from Sephora, make sure you use code “ITKIT” for an awesome bag of samples (I picked the Lasting Impression It Kit). I used it this morning! Want more info? Go here to see pictures. And don’t forget to go through Ebates to earn 4% cash back (that my friends WAS an affiliate link).

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Kelsey N.

    With the way the picture is at first I thought you were going to try “Brazilian Pee” That is NOT a product I would want to try LOL!

  2. Katie

    Hey Jen, you can download a spam filter pulgin for wordpress and hey presto problem solved 😉 Well, it’s solved for mine, but I don’t get the traffic you do.

    1. Jennifer

      OMG I had no clue such a thing existed! You are my hero!!! Thank you!!

  3. Alysia

    I have Blogger and I do get a ton of spam comments lately, but they filter out the spam. It’s just annoying that I keep getting email notifications of bogus comments.

    I have used Wen, and I like it, but don’t be like me and overlook the directions, lol! If you don’t use as directed, it could make your hair super greasy (it did for me). Also, when in doubt, use MORE. Seems counter intuitive, but it works!

  4. Jency Kuriakose

    When I first saw this post with Brazilian Pee.. I thought you were pregnant and this was a new stick to pee on (yes, my head works this way!).
    I just saw your haul from Sephora and did a lil small haul myself. I picked the Lasting Impression Kit too. Cant wait to get my hands on it!

  5. Jency Kuriakose

    Also pls pls review the WEN products. I have seen those infocoms and am always a sec away from ordering and then I tell myself – STOP, its a ‘AS SEEN ON TV’ thing! I would love to try it.

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