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What I’m Loving Wednesday

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I’m linking up again with this kind of love for What I’m Loving Wednesday.

I’m Loving…..

image credit: Notebook Review

Black Friday Deals: I’ve been browsing the ads and deals and I am getting excited about getting my (online) shopping on. I am excited about the Sephora $10 deals for sure. I have a 10% off Sephora code, plus ebates cash back is 8% right now. I might also snatch up some deals at the GAP. The entire store is up to 60% off and they have 10% cash back on ebates. Plus, they have a 20% off code (GAPGIFT) right now. Phew, that’s a lot of savings. And you know it’s the holidays when SHOPBOP has a code out!  Oh and I can’t forget the deal.  I don’t think WB will be needing anything for a long long time.

I’m Loving…..
Staying Home.  
I seriously can’t get over how amazing it is not to have to rush around to get this holiday stuff done.  We have time to see Santa during the day, go out on a weeknight (we went out for chips and guacamole last night and looked at the lights at the local mall) and it’s amazing.

I’m Loving…..

I die.

These boys.  I am so proud of them.  They did such an amazing job yesterday when we saw Santa.  I thought WB was going to lose his sh*t, but he held it together so nicely.  And L, was so nervous to talk to Santa, but he remembered what to tell him and was so sweet and polite.  And he was SO excited to get this tiny little stuffed animal from Santa (all the kids get one).  And then he got to ride this dumpy little train they have at the mall and OMG, the excitement.  Kids + Christmas = Fun.  

I’m Loving…..

image credit:gottabemobile

Slice.  Love might be too strong of a word for my feelings on this app.  I mean I love it in an “OMG this is so interesting” kind of way, but do I love to learn that I have spent nine million dollars on amazon purchases?  No.  But it’s cool in that it tracks your deliveries so you know when to expect them.  And that’s kind of important around the holidays.  You don’t want the kids trying to snatch those packages off the porch! 

I’m Loving…..

The WB

The WB.  Come on, look at this kid.  What’s not to love?  I mean so what that he didn’t want to go to bed last night and wanted to stay up and giggle and talk? That’s fine.  You can only be annoyed with this guy for two seconds.  And then he breaks into the biggest smile ever and you smile too and you forget you wanted to watch Teen Mom 2 in peace.

I’m Loving…..


 Buddy. Buddy isn’t always discussed in the best light on the blog, but he really is a good dog.  Don’t get me wrong, he’s wild and crazy.  And loud.  But he loves kids.  Loves them.  He is so sweet to L and WB and doesn’t mind L snuggling with him (they sat like this watching a movie for a long time yesterday) or WB grabbing his fur or any of that.  He’s just happy for the attention.  And the snacks he gets when L “drops” things from the table ;).

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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