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A Poll: Have you ever used an entire bottle of nail polish?

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I think this week’s polls might be the most important polls every to be conducted on this blog. I am still loving reading your responses to the last poll “Does Santa Wrap Presents?“, so if you haven’t answered that one yet, go do it.  Today’s poll is totally different, yet, equally (if not more) important.

I want to know if you’ve ever used up a bottle of nail polish.  A full sized bottle. And by used up, I mean actually used the very last drop on your nails.  Not like it dried out and got all crusty because you had it sitting there so d*mn long.  Or spilled half on your carpet and then used the other half.

I personally do not believe I have ever in the history of my life used up an entire bottle of nail polish.  Ever.  I’m not even sure it’s humanly possible?  Is it?  I think I have used up a mini nail polish bottle *maybe* like once?  Maybe?  What about you?  Have you used one up?  Something tells me the answer will be no.  But maybe I’m totally off base here?  So go answer and let me know.  And see, I told you this was a very important poll!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!