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Friday iPhone Dump

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1. L being the lucky kid that he is, got this train set he’d been eyeing for months a few days before Christmas.  And he played with it for hours.  Proving once again, that you can never have too many trains.

2. This is really WB’s hat, but it sure looks sharp on L doesn’t it?  If only the hat was bigger (or L’s head was smaller), he could have been in the rat pack!

3. These hats were from our Christmas Poppers (some call them crackers too I think?) and the boys loved them.  My mom wants to make our own poppers next year and I’m totally game!

4. L spent hours and hours playing outside yesterday.  The sun was out and it wasn’t too too cold.  A perfect way to spend your Christmas vacation if you ask me.

5.  I don’t know why WB was so interested in watching the big boys (B, L and Buddy) play outside last night because he would have been pissed if he had to go out.  But the way he was talking and banging on that door, you would have thought I was forcing him to stay inside!

6. OMG, so we’re driving to my cousin’s house on Christmas Eve.  On the freeway.  And we see this dude with 3 mattresses on top of his car, inches away from falling off.  And he’s in the fast lane.  As we were passing him (no way do we want a mattress flying at us) I had to snap a picture.

7. Sometimes I just cannot take the cuteness that is the WB.  And I cannot even imagine how happy he is going to be when he doesn’t have to drink that nasty formula anymore!  He LOVES eating everything and anything.  Except his bottles ;).

8. Baxter played outside a little bit yesterday, but nothing like crazy Buddy.  Baxter knows when to say when and come inside.  Buddy?  Not even close.  He had so much snow caked on him yesterday from playing outside with L that I had to give him a warm bath to get the balls of snow off.  Buddy may be crazy, but he’s also the most loyal dog ever.  He cannot stand not being near L!

9. I feel like WB is giving me a dirty look here because I made him go outside and play.  Maybe I’m imagining it?  But he’s clearly not his normal happy self ;).

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!