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Thank you Santa! And Other Random Ramblings

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First of all, I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and that Santa brought you all the things on your list! And if you don’t celebrate Christmas, I hope you had a great December 25th! The past few days have been crazy busy, but also crazy fun!  I won’t bore you with the all of the details of my Christmas, but I do have to share some because it gives me a reason to post pictures of my kids.

~I had bought L a sport coat, button down shirt and tie at Target a few weeks ago for him to wear to the party with my Dad’s side of the family on Christmas Eve. I showed it to him after I bought it and his response was “I hate it. It’s ugly”. But something got into him and he was EXCITED to wear it because, as he said, he looked just like daddy. Ugh. How sweet is that? And he wore his coat. And tie. All night long. Everyone was amazed and frankly so was I. He looked so handsome!  WB was left wearing L’s hand-me-downs.  Poor WB.

Best pose we could get.

~L made reindeer dust at school this year and after we got home (late) on Christmas Eve we had to go outside and spread it on the lawn so that the reindeer could find our house.  I think reindeer dust is fairly common (maybe?), but I’d never heard of it before.  It’s a super cute idea and L loved it!

Sprinkling Rainbow Dust!

~Christmas morning was full of presents, presents and more presents.  Seeing L’s face when he saw all those presents under the tree was the best!  It makes making all the magic worth it. L opened his presents.  And some of mine.  And some of WB’s.  And then we did it all over again when my parents and brother and SIL came over!  To tell you the truth, I don’t know who is more excited about all these new toys, the kids or me?  I love fresh toys!

New Toys!
Building a Birdhouse with this new tools

~In addition to our own Christmas excitement yesterday, I was also excited to hear that Jessica Simpson is really pregnant again.  She tweeted a super cute picture to confirm it and I totally have my fingers crossed that she’s not going to be pregnant for what seemed like forever like she was last time.  That was just insane.

~Oh and I got a sewing machine for Christmas!  My goal of learning to sew by the end of the year isn’t going to happen, but this is a start.  I am not sure what I want my first project to be?  *Maybe” sewing a liner onto the curtains in WB’s room?  I mean, how hard can that be?  Famous last words I suppose.  My mom suggested I take a sewing class at Joann Fabric, but that is just not my scene, so I think I am going to try and find some You Tube videos online.  If worse comes to worse, I will read the instructions ;).

How was your holiday?  Was Santa good to you?  What was the best part of your day?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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