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What I’m Loving Wednesday!

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I’m linking up again with this kind of love for What I’m Loving Wednesday.

I’m Loving…..

Sephora by OPI Nail Colour Dying Drops

Sephora by OPi Nail Colour Drying Drops.  I posted a while back about my big dilemma about how I can’t paint my nails anymore because I don’t have time to wait for them to try.  I know, I know, first world problems at their best.  Well, my Secret Santa took note and sent this in her OMGSOAMAZING package (it deserves a post of it’s own which I am working on).  And I tried them yesterday while WB was napping (and L was at the movies with his Nana).  Worked like a charm!!!  Totally 100% dry by the time WB woke up and that is amazing because I used like 3 coats of polish and glitter and WB doesn’t sleep that long.  Look for this in my next favorite things giveaway!

I’m Loving…..


My big kid.  There’s not one thing about this picture I don’t like.   The kid, the pjs, the craft project, the stompeez, it’s all perfect.  As usual, L has been busy cracking everyone up and being the best big brother ever.  And he keeps mentioning that he wants to have a little sister.  He’s under the impression that little sisters don’t play with trains and he thinks one brother messing with his stuff is enough.

I’m Loving….. 

Holiday PJ’s

Holiday Pajamas: In case you haven’t noticed (how could you not), I am totally obsessed with Christmas pajamas.  Every time I see a pair, somehow they end up coming home with me.  Luckily L shares my love for them and WB has no choice.

I’m Loving…..

The WB

 WB.  I’ve said it a million times, but this kid is wild.  He’s always up to something and usually it involves things he should NOT be doing like trying to play in the dog food bowls or eating the remote or something.  But that smile.  Oh that smile. I am quite certain it’s going to get him out of a lot of trouble down the line.

I’m Loving…..

Polyvore.  As noted by my Gift Guides, I am all over Polyvore these days.  I remember using it years ago, but I had forgotten all about it until recently.  I installed a Polyvore button to my tool bar, so whenever I see something cool, I can add it to Polyvore for a future collage!

I’m Loving…..

Christmas lights.  I am totally loving pictures of everyone’s Christmas trees and light displays on Facebook and Instagram and I love seeing them in person even more (so invite me over).  I love the theme trees, the mish-mash of ornaments tree (this is like our big one), etc.

I’m Loving…..

image credit: Fox

 Phillip Phillips.  Every time I hear a commercial with “Home” in it, it makes me want to buy that product, visit that store, watch that show, whatever.  I don’t watch American Idol, but I sad I am didn’t watch him on there because I would have loved to see/hear Home the first time he performed it!  I think B even likes the song. It never gets old. Ever!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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