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90% Off Target Christmas Clearance Haul – Round 2

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

Ohh, you thought I’d just go to one Target during 90% off time and be done with it? Ha, ha! As if!! I wasn’t at Target when they opened or anything crazy this morning, but I did make my rounds after breakfast.  And luckily, all the stores that were 70% off yesterday were 90% off today!

I didn’t find much new or exciting really, but I was happy to find glittery little round (Cherokee) pouches for $0.79, xhilaration polka dot pajamas for $2.49, bath poofs for $.09, Body Raves Red Velvet Bath Gel for $0.30 and little boys Cherokee accessories like ties, bowties and hats for $0.40 – $0.70.  Look for the silver tags on the Cherokee items and do not get them mixed up with silver mossimo tags.  Those items are NOT part of the 90% off clearance.

90% off tags
NOT a 90% off clearance tag

I also grabbed some NUK trainer cups for $0.49 (Hello Killy & Small Paul), a Totes flashlight / radio ($1.50), another Rachel Ray set ($4.99), a cheese dome (hello impulse buy) ($1.99) and cute little Disney stroller toys ($0.50) among (amongst?) other things.

I’m not sure how much longer 90% off will be sticking around, but I am guessing at least another day or so?  Did you go out today?  Find any amazing treasures?  I know a lot of people have found super cute picture frames (look for teal / red boxes), mini-fooseball tables and tons of crayola, starwars and spinbrush toothbrushes.

ETA: I didn’t mention this, but obviously everything I got was “hidden” and was NOT in the normal Christmas area. You can’t just go to your store and expect it all to be waiting for you in the Christmas section. You gotta work for those deals!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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