Friday’s Letters

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Dear My New Planner, Get here soon so I can get planning. I didn’t know that I used my planner that much. Until I didn’t have one.  Fingers crossed you are arriving tomorrow?  (note: I ordered this one).

Dear Hulu Plus, Thank you for all this old shows I can catch up on. Felicity? All the old episodes of Catfish I missed? Yes please!  Now if you only had Sorority Life, Newlyweds, The Osbournes, etc.

Dear Chuck E. Cheese, I’m not sure that making it rain (with tickets) is really the smartest idea. It seems like it could get dangerous, no? And Chuck E., please don’t let us get sick from our visit with you.  We might even come back if we don’t become infected.

Dear Me, Why didn’t you take a graphic design course in college? I mean this would make life a lot easier right now. Learning as you go takes a long time.

Dear Sean (The Bachelor), I think I’m in love. You may be the one Bachelor I really really like. I hope you get rid of all the cray-cray’s in the house soon though because I may cry if you end up with one of them.

Dear L, For a little person, you certainly do make a lot of noise. I mean, when you are “sneaking” around upstairs (when you should be in bed), it sounds like a herd of wild elephants.

Dear B, I’m not sure why you looked at me all crazy like when I asked if you were taking WB to the Auto Show with you when you and L go next week.  You took L when he was a baby. (*)

Dear Buddy, Oh Buddy, I am so sorry that I cut your hair the other day.  Well, I am not sorry I cut it, but I am sorry it looks so bad ;(.


lol, I’m kidding.  I wouldn’t take both of them alone to that either.
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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Kyra

    LOL my 4 yr old also sounds like a herd of elephants when he walks around upstairs, I cannot figure out how this is even possible!

    1. Jennifer

      LOL!! At least mine isn’t the only one!

  2. karen

    Was wondering if Bryan and Lucas were going to the auto show. I don’t think Lucas has missed one since he was born and I an anxious to see his favorite car this year.

    1. Jennifer

      He hasn’t missed a year yet!

  3. Jennifer

    Happy Friday! I love your sense of humor!

    1. Jennifer

      Thank you! I hope you had a great Friday!

  4. Jennifer

    i just got a new planner yesterday. along with highlighters and pinpoint markers! i’m in love. i love having my stuff organized…everything is color coordinated!

    1. Jennifer

      I’m so jealous! I cannot wait for mine!

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