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Have you ever met anyone you met online in person?

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Okay, I totally cannot believe I haven’t asked this yet. Today I want to know if you have ever met anyone in person that you first “met” online. I am talking either from a dating website like Match or another blogger or someone you met on a message board / forum. Anything.

I personally have NEVER met any one in real life that I know from online. I kind of think I am in the minority here because I am guessing most people have. Am I right? Wrong? I consider a lot of my online friends as my real friends and we text and e-mail and all that, but we’ve never met. Not that I don’t want to because of course I do! I’ve known some of these girls, gosh, for almost ten years now so I know they aren’t catfishing or anything crazy and I’d love to hang out with them!  Ohh, maybe I should put this on my 2013 Bucket List?

I am so excited to hear everyone’s answers on this one.  I am pretty sure this is going to be my most favorite poll ever!!  If you’ve met someone, tell me all about it!  Was it good? Bad?  If it was on a dating website, did you get catfished?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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