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Polls: The Results

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A while back there used to be this link-up (on Tuesdays maybe?) called “Is it Normal”? It always cracked me up because what one person thought was totally normal, another was like that’s crazy. My polls aren’t as fun, but they do show the differences between all of us. Here are a few of my favorites:

My most popular poll ever was “Does Santa wrap presents?” and the results were almost equally split. I found this to be almost shocking because I thought Santa just didn’t wrap presents for a few people. I had no idea it was this divided! You just never know what Santa is going to do!
Sorry, there are no polls available at the moment.

Another one of my favorites is “Have you ever used an entire bottle of nail polish?“. A shocking NINE people have actually used an entire bottle. I would like to meet those people and shake their hands on a job well done! I also would love to know how many polishes one bottle of nail polish gets. 50? 100? I have zero clue.
Sorry, there are no polls available at the moment.

Another very popular poll was one of the very first polls I ever did and was “What baby name do you like best?“. I did not end up selecting any of those first and middle name combinations, but also did not select the winner, Jackson. I cannot even imagine my little WB being a Jack or Jackson. He is totally a Willie Baby. Totally.

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And my total favorite poll was my most recent one “Have you ever met anyone in person that you met online?” (there must be an easier wording for that). I am in the total minority here because I have never ever met anyone that I know online. Never. I’m putting it on my 2013 bucket list for sure. I am leaving this poll open so you can answer if you haven’t already. And please, tell me how it went if you have met someone! Was it every not what you expected?
Sorry, there are no polls available at the moment.

Stayed tuned for future polls and whoever did that “Is It Normal” link-up should start doing it again! Oh wait, I just looked up the blogger (Just Chalk in the Rain) and it appears she’s no longer blogging. That explains that.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!