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February Conscious Box Review

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February Conscious Box

As luck would have it, I won a February Conscious Box giveaway from MichiGal. You guys have no idea how excited I was. I saw the giveaway and immediately decided in my head I would win it ;). Trying / reviewing new boxes is one of my favorite things and I have been wanting to try Conscious Box, so this was amazing!

The Box

Conscious Box is a box within a box. I’m unclear if it’s always like this or really why they do this, but whatever. I did have trouble getting the box out of the box. It was packed so full it didn’t just easily slide out.

The Box in the Box

Since I had never received a Conscious Box, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Everyone raves out about them, but until you see it with your own eyes, you don’t know of it’s the box for you or not! In case you don’t know, Conscious Box offers a monthly delivery of pure and sustainable products that are handpicked from businesses that care for the planet. You’ll receive 10-20 items from companies working towards the most ethical goals.

The Real Box

The February Conscious Box theme was “All You Need is Love” and suggested that we “use this holiday of love to forge a more meaningful bond with the place we call home”.

The Theme

Sadly, Conscious Box does not come with in information card. That kinda made me sad because there is a lot of stuff in these boxes. Seriously, I thought Love With Food packed a lot into their boxes? Wrong. Well, they do, but Conscious Box can pack an insane box too.

First Look

Here’s what was in the February Conscious Box I received:

Celtic Sea Salt (Light Grey Celtic): At first I feared grey salt, but then I read that the grey color comes from “pure clay soil it is harvested form”, which related to how it is harvested. I never realized there was such thing as a natural salt, so I am looking forward to trying this. Sometimes when I get these boxes I feel like I live in a cave because I haven’t heard of half the stuff. But then I realized that the opportunity to try new things is what these boxes are for.

Celtic Sea Salt (Light Grey Celtic)

~Florax DS Ready-to-Drink Probiotic: I have not yet jumped on the probiotic train, but everyone who has swears by them. Do you guys take them? What do you think?

Florax DS Ready-to-Drink Probiotic

~The Honest Company Healing Balm: Umm, I was SO excited to see this in the box because without my knowing it, I ran out of it. And I always love having trial sizes of things to throw in my bag.

The Honest Company Healing Balm

~L’Ecuyer’s Gourmet 3 Butter Chocolate Mint Soap: B saw this and was like can you eat it? It seriously looks like a little piece of chocolate! It smells amazing and sounds great, but the sample is so small! It’s smaller than a quarter which isn’t exactly easy to hold. I usually throw away my soap when they get that small.

L’Ecuyer’s Gourmet 3 Butter Chocolate Mint Soap

~Pride Green life cycle bags: These trash bags naturally assimilate in 18-36 months, while normal trash bags take 1000 years. OMG seriously? 1,000 years? My Costco trash bags may be cheap, but they totally aren’t doing anyone any favors are they?

Pride Green life cycle bags

~Natural Vitality Natural Calm Drink: I *almost* drank this when I was trying to organize and take pictures of everything in this box. It was hard work people and was starting to stress me out!!!

Natural Vitality Natural Calm Drink

~Amazing Grass Kidz Superfood: L just started getting a cough today and I am going to try and talk him into chugging this. Maybe it will help. Maybe not. But 3 servings of fruit and vegetables never hurt anyone.

Amazing Grass Kidz Superfood

~Country Choice Multigrain Oatmeal – Cranberry Apple: I wish that I liked oatmeal. It’s so good for you and so easy to make, but it’s just not for me. B loves it though and will make good use of this. In fact, it may already be gone?

Country Choice Multigrain Oatmeal – Cranberry Apple


~Snack Better Sahale Snacks: These look quite interesting and I am sure B will love them. All these little snacks I get make B’s lunches very interesting!

Snack Better Sahale Snacks

~Sun Cups Dark Chocolate Mint Cups: I received this in a Goodies Co. box a few months ago and liked it. I didn’t like it enough to buy more, but I also wasn’t sad to see another one appear on my house.

Sun Cups Dark Chocolate Mint Cups

~Kallari 85% Cocao Chocolate: A full sized chocolate bar that I have never seen before? Don’t mind if I do. Sometimes I don’t love fancy pants chocolate (and sometimes I do), so it’s always fun to get new ones to try so I can test them out!

Kallari 85% Cocao Chocolate

~Equal Exchange Organic Chocolate (x3): Umm, these are delicious. I had one while I was opening the box and really liked it. It’s a great little size and is perfect to satisfy your sweet tooth. I am totally getting more of these.

Equal Exchange Organic Chocolate

~Kelapo Virgin Coconut Oil: I got this in another box (Mommebox maybe?) and haven’t used it yet. I still am scared by the thickness of it. I wonder what would happen if I put this in my hair? Something tells me it’d do amazing things.

Kelapo Virgin Coconut Oil

~Clayton Joseph Scott Song Download: I don’t know who this guy is, but maybe I will love him? I kinda wish it was a iTunes download because I don’t know what to do with other formats, but that’s not Conscious Box‘s problem, now is it?

Clayton Joseph Scott Song Download

I was very impressed with my first Conscious Box. Can you believe all the stuff that came in that little box?  INSANE.  I was so impressed that I may just have to sign up myself!! I mean all this stuff for $19.95 is amazing!

Do you subscribe to Conscious Box? What’d you think of this months box? If you are interested in subscribing or want to learn more, click here.


Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links  – I think?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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