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February Mantry Review – Retox

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February Mantry

As always, I was thrilled to see Mantry in our mailbox today. It was extra heavy this month, so I took that as a good sign. I am certain my mail lady is happy that my entire neighborhood does not receive Mantry.

I’ll skip the box picture this month and share a first look instead. I was so excited to see a different color crate this month! Soon I am going to have dozens of these in my office. I’m curious, what does everyone else do with their Mantry crates? I put odds and ends (and flowers) in mine, but I am always up for new ideas.

All the different crates.

I’m not sure if you can tell, but the first box is a light wood, the middle is a darker wood and the right (the newest box) is a grayish color.

Inside the crate

This month’s Mantry theme was “Retox”, which I thought was fitting since I think everyone’s New Year’s Resolutions are in the toilet by now. Well I know mine would be. If I had made any.

The Information Card

This month Mantry is showing off America’s Top Booze-Inspired Products. Sounds good to me! Here’s what was inside:

~Reginald’s Bourbon Pecan Peanut Butter(Sabot, VA) ($7): Seriously, bourbon peanut butter? My life is complete. B wasn’t home when I opened this and it took everything I had not to open this! It’s got all the ingredients in a classic bourbon pecan pie made into a peanut butter. B need to get home so we can try this!

Reginald’s Bourbon Pecan Peanut Butter

~Creminelli Whiskey Salami(Salt Lake city, UT) ($12.25): This salami is what happens when when artisan hand-crafted salami marinates in fine whiskey (Son of Bourye) from a premiere micro-distillery (High West Distillery’s). B is going to go crazy for this. Seriously.

Creminelli Whiskey Salami

~Brooklyn Brine Dogfish Head Hop-Pickles (Brooklyn, NY) ($11): Beer pickles? Really? Once again, B is going to be beside himself. Mantrysuggests going “full hipster” and by knocking back a “pickleback” – taking a shot of whiskey and chasing it with a shot of pickle juice. I am certainly not up for that challenge, but I am guessing B is.

Brooklyn Brine Dogfish Head Hop-Pickles

~Jack Rudy Small Batch Tonic(Charleston, SC) ($16): One thing I love about Mantry is that they introduce us to small batch items that we never would have known about otherwise. This tonic is designed to “pair with your favorite Gin or Vodka, and is then stretched with soda water to make a bright, light, refreshing highball”. B just got some new vodka from Caskers and this is a perfect compliment.

Jack Rudy Small Batch Tonic

~Ovenly Spiced Bacon Caramel Corn (Brooklyn, NY) ($5.25): At first I thought that Mantry cheated and put a non-booze item in the crate. WRONG. Smokey bacon and organic popcorn is smothered in a Brooklyn Brewery Pennant Ale caramel to create this amazing treat. I should just order more of this now since I know B’s going to eat it in about two seconds and will want more.

Ovenly Spiced Bacon Caramel Corn

~Scarpetta Tuscan Vodka Sauce ($7.60) (Lynn, MA): My obsession with pasta is well known and this stuff might just be my most favorite Mantry product ever shipped. And that’s saying ALOT. The next time B is home for dinner (Saturday?), this is what we are having. No question.

Scarpetta Tuscan Vodka Sauce

All totaled, this month’s Mantry is valued at $59.10. Sure it’s less than the $75/month cost of Mantry, but would I have learned about any of this wonderful stuff if I didn’t subscribe? Heck no!! Some of the subscription boxes bill themselves as money savers. Mantry never says they are going to save you some cash. But they are going to show you a good time!!

Do you subscribe to Mantry? What’d you think of this month? I think it was my most favorite Mantry to date. No joke. LOVED it. If you want to subscribe or learn more, click here.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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