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Guilty Pleasures

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First of all, let’s not make fun of my fancy “Guilty Pleasures” pictures okay? I made that thing myself (as if you couldn’t already tell – LOL).

Okay, now on to the good part. In this week’s Sunday Social link-up, one of the questions about about guilty pleasures. But you could only list two and I think we all know I have way more than two guilty pleasures. Way more. Who doesn’t? My guilty pleasures include:

~Diet Pepsi: Diet Pepsi is my crack. Every few months I give it up for awhile, but I just can’t help myself and end up right back where I started, sucking down Diet Pepsi at 8am.

~Monthly Subscription Boxes: I’m obsessed. And ashamed at the same time. I love getting random boxes of stuff in mail, but I also try and hide my from mail lady as much as possible so she doesn’t think I am a nut case.

~Teen Mom: Not only do I watch Teen Mom, I laugh. And snark at these girls. Which I know everyone else that watches probably does too, but I still feel guilty I am laughing at these girls. Sort of.

~Expensive Nail Polish: Should I get the Revlon or the Chanel polish? Hmm, hard decision. NOT. I will get the Chanel any day of the week. So bad. But it’s so good.

~Frappuccino’s / Frappa’s: I have tried them from every coffee shop in the area and nothing beats Starbucks Salted Caramel. Nothing. Sadly it’s seasonal and I can’t get it right now. McDonald’s Chocolate Chip ones are second on my list. You know what these are? A big pile of sin in a cup.

~Facebook: Oh Facebook, I love you. Not a day goes by that I don’t end up slack-jawed because of the TMI that gets posted on there. And you know what I like best? When people don’t have their profiles on lockdown and I can browse their pictures without being their friend. Stalker much? Guilty as charged.

~Trashy Magazines: How is one suppose to survive car trips or plane rides without US Weekly and Star and all that other crap?  How will I know what Lindsay Lohen is up to?  Or what’s up with Tereaa from RHONJ?

~Lululemon: I am certain that $10 Target yoga pants would serve me just as well as $90 Lulu ones, but I don’t care.  I need the Lulu ones.  No really, I do.

Some of my other guilty pleasures include Target (huge secret there), Pretty Little Liars, buying kids clothes, french fries, gossip, infomercials and cheesy pop music.

Now it’s your turn!  What are some of your guilty pleasures?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!