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Monday Morning Ramblings (& Winner Announcement)

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

~Did you all watch the SuperBowl last night? I love big sport events of all kinds, so of course I watched. I mean, I’d watch for the commercials alone if I didn’t like sports, but I watched this for the football too. My favorite commercial, by far, was the Budweiser Clydesdale one. OMG I was this close to crying. It was perfect. Just perfect. I have already watched it a few times online too. If you missed it, go here and watch. And the actual game itself? At first I thought the best part was going to be when the power went out, but it turned into a very good game! However, I didn’t win my squares, so there was nothing to be overly excited about!  Oh and while I thought Beyonce looked fierce and I loved seeing Destiny’s Child together, I wasn’t overly wow’ed by the show.  Don’t get me wrong, she was amazing, but I would expect nothing short of amazing from her.  And really I was kinda hoping Jay-Z would have joined her for a song!

~If you missed this weekend’s posts, I reviewed WB’s February Stork Stack, Little Passports (don’t miss out on the giveaway in the post) and luvmybox (such a dirty name). This week I am expecting my first Julep box (use code JULEPVIP to get your first box for $.01), bluum (it FINALLY shipped), GLOSSYBOX (the January Man Repeller box, but I hear February is even more amazing) and The Little Book Club (I am so excited about this one).  Sometime in February I am expecting my first Fancy Box (the Pink one) and my first Golden Tote (their February sale just started today if you are interested).  And I think I want to try either Seasons Box (you’ll get a free item if you use my link), Yuzen or maybe Brit Kit next.  What do you think? Ohh, and I almost forgot, I should be getting my first Wittlebee (use code BUSY10 to save $10 off your first box) box in months soon too. I paused by subscription for a while and I know they have made a ton of changes since I last got a box, so I am interested to see what it’s like! Wow. I didn’t know that was going to be so long. It’s going to be a fun month around here.

~Our weekend was nice and relaxing.  B got the antenna installed in the attic, so we are like real people now and I can watch the Bachelorette LIVE (and also, that’s how we watched the SuperBowl).  It’s crazy how many channels  (in HD and everything) you can get with just an antenna.  Go here and enter your zip code if you are curious.  Also, everyone is pretty much recovered from their illnesses and I could not be more pleased.  Oh and B is at work today, which marks the first Monday this year he hasn’t been home.  Luckily he doesn’t have school on Monday nights (he goes the other 4 nights a week though), so we’ll at least get to see him then!

~In blog related news, I should be getting a blog makeover this week and I am SO excited about it.  I love my current layout too, but it’s always fun to change things up.  I am also debating about selling ad space.  I just don’t know how I feel about it. Part of me says “why not” and the other part is like no way.  Would anyone even be interested?  I’m thinking $15 for 30 days.  Nothing insane.

~And finally, what you’ve all been waiting for, the winner of my Favorite Things Giveaway!!!!  I say this for every giveaway, but I am always so excited to pick a winner.  The winner is Kelly K.!  Congrats Kelly!  I will be e-mailing you soon and will get your goodies out to you ASAP.  And if you didn’t win, don’t be sad because I am going to have another “Favorite Things” giveaway up very soon. In addition to whatever other fun giveaways I come up with (or companies offer up to me to give to you), I am going to do a Favorite Things one on a monthly basis!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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