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Thursday Thoughts (+ Favorite Things Giveaway Winner)!

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

~Happy Valentine’s Day! And Happy (43rd) Anniversary to my parents! What are you all doing today? We don’t have any big special plans for the day or anything. Just hanging out and making heart shaped doughnuts, which I am actually super excited about. L had his school party yesterday and I did totally simple “Valentine You Make My Heart Bounce” bags for his friends. L got out of helping to decide what we were doing and even signing his own name because he was at his nana’s house when I did them (at the last minute). I gave his teachers candles I bought (on Target clearance for $0.69 a few years ago) as their gifts. I also put together little treat baskets for the little boys to open when they wake up. I’m looking forward to seeing how excited they are to find special treats waiting for them.  I would upload pictures, but my iPhoto is being all crazy today, so that’s not happening.  If you are dying to see, check my Instagram feed.

Cutest kids ever.

~I told B that all the other bloggers would be posting pictures of the fabulous flowers and treats their husbands got them on their blogs / Instagram / everywhere today and that he might want to step up his game. I am cracking up as I am typing this because he looked at me like I had two heads and was like, umm, yeah, okay. He could care less. And since he knows I got him nothing he’s even less inclined to pick something up. (*) I thought taking out the garbage last night was enough of a romantic gesture to last me through next week. I guess not. Oh, and B has school tonight so we will see each other for the normal 30 minutes or so we see each other every weeknight. And that is usually spent in the kitchen bs’ing while I make his lunch and then upstairs playing with the kids (L stays up to see him most nights and WB usually wakes up to socialize around that time).

Updated to add a picture of mu haul.

~I have been making a huge effort to respond to every comment I get feel like we are all besties now. It’s much more fun actually interacting than it is just reading the comments and being done. Plus, there is nothing worse than leaving a comment on a blog and feeling like it’s not appreciated or you feel ignored and I want you all to know that I love love love comments and if I have to stay up an hour later at night to respond, so be it! Of course, it appears on my blog that I don’t reply, but I do. It’ just via e-mail.

~I added a bunch of new boxes to the list (thank you to everyone who sends me info on new boxes), including Lalaalu (babies / kids ages 0 – 6), Treatsie (couture candy from around the world), Mynt Box (jewelry) and HeSack (**) (small batched speciality foods for men). I am thinking about putting a section for newly added boxes at the top of the page so if you want to check out the new stuff, you don’t have to scroll all over the place and try to figure it all out. Sound good?

~And finally, I believe the this is the reason you are all reading today ;).  The winner of my February Favorite Things Giveaway is Ariana A!! Congrats Ariana!!!! I will be emailing you soon and will get your goodies out ASAP!  If you didn’t win, don’t feel bad.  I am going to give away a February PopSugar Must Have box (as soon as I have it in my hot little hands I will start one) and the March Favorite Things Giveaway is only a few weeks away!  Any suggestions on what to giveaway?  This one seemed to be a big hit and I want you to love them all!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

I hope everyone has an amazing Valentine’s Day!  And if you are annoyed with the entire concept of Valentine’s Day, I’m sorry.  Maybe next year I will have a contest for the single ladies only and give something fun away.  Is that even legal?  Something tells me no.  LOL.  I’ll have to look into that!  See you all later with some box reviews (Goodies Co., Lip Factory, etc.)!

(*) I was wrong! He did get me something. I love that man.
(**) I find this name dirty.  I’m not sure if it makes me likes the box more.  Or less.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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