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Thursday Thoughts

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Thursday Thoughts

~First things first. My menu bar is no longer black. And my header doesn’t have weird black lines around it anymore. This is huge.  I have only been annoyed with this, since oh, I started my blog.  My friend read my post whining about it yesterday and fixed it in about five seconds.  ETA: I hear the changes aren’t showing up for everyone.  If they don’t and you are dying to see them, clear your cache.  OR just check out below.  The top is the before.  And the bottom is the after ;).

~How did I not know that Catfish had new episodes??  I stayed up way too late last night watching.  If someone tells you that they are an “international model”, but never shows you any ads they have appeared in, perhaps that should be a red flag to you no?

~Does anyone have any good recommendations for places to shop for Easter outfits for little boys / babies?  GAP is totally my go to for clothes for the boys, but I can’t find anything I love there for Easter.  Help!  I want to get the boys pictures taken with live bunnies, but they need outfits!

~I have been totally slacking on my blog reading / commenting this week.  I have been busy working on the blog makeover and then the big blog crash happened, but I’ll get better soon I promise!

~In celeb news, I read that Perez Hilton had a baby.  I don’t know why I found this so shocking and confusing, but I’ll admit I had to stop and think how that would work.  And it turns out there is a new show on ABC that is right up my alley.  Thanks to Alison, Celebrity Wife Swap is now on my watch must list.  Kendra Wilkinson and Kate Gosselin switching lives?  Yes please!

~I am thinking about making this a link-up next week.  It’s possible that Jen and I will be the only people linking up, but who cares?  It’ll still be fun!  For us.  Also, I have been getting a lot (**) of questions about how to go about starting a blog and while I may not be the most qualified person to help, I am happy to try!  I’m thinking about writing a blog post on it, so stay tuned.

That’s it from here.  What’s on your mind today?  Oh, and if you haven’t entered my February GLOSSYBOX giveaway, get to it!

(*) Did I ever tell you all my mom wanted to name me Alison? She lost. Obviously.
(**) A lot to me means more than one.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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