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Tuesday Troubles

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~It has come to my attention (*) that I am NOT going to be able to learn Photoshop on my own. Umm, it took me an insane amount of time yesterday to figure out how to make a picture into a circle. So I am in need of some sort of tutorial. Hopefully free. Don’t be all “look on YouTube”. How about you tell me exactly who on YouTube I should be checking out?

~I have mentioned this before, but it is troubling me yet again. Why in the world must cashiers scan my CVS / Kroger / whatever card FIRST? I know that it works just the same if they scan it before they ring my items up, while they are ringing them up or after they ring up my items. But no, let’s just wait while I unload everything on the counter, dig in my bag and find my card. And try and make sure my kids aren’t stealing that candy they put right at kids eye / hand level.

~I want to get some business cards for my blog and want to know where the best (and cheapest) place to get some would be. I know Vista Print does some free ones (or super cheap or something?), but I had WB’s birth announcements printed there and I am still annoyed they sent me the wrong size envelopes. Umm yeah, those 5×7 cards won’t be fitting in those 4×6 envelopes.

~Back when L was a baby (an infant, so like 4.5 years ago) I somehow hurt my wrist picking him up. Like I twisted it or something. It hurt super bad. Of course, I never went to the doctor because why would I want to get it fixed? I like it when it hurts when it rains and stuff. And I can tell if didn’t heal right because it like pops. Unlike my of other ailments, I did not consult Dr. Google on this and do not plan too. Dr. Google serves me well and always confirms what I already know. That yes, I do have the rarest more incurable disease / tumor known to man. I believe he will tell me that this is going to require surgery and yeah, I ain’t got time for that.

~And finally today, I am beyond troubled with the posts on FB that require you to post “1” or “Like” it or whatever to see what happens next. Umm. Nothing is going to happen. It’s Facebook. What on earth could possibly happen? The picture isn’t going to suddenly change or start moving or anything. No. The only thing that is going to happen is that the person that started the post gets a good laugh for every person that hits like. Oh maybe they are collecting names for a scam down the road?

You know, I am going to make this a weekly feature. I always feel so much better after I get this all out! Phew! Now, what’s troubling you today?  First world problems or real problems, share away!

(*) I pointed it out to myself.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!