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What I’m Loving Wednesday!

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I’m linking up again with this kind of love for What I’m Loving Wednesday.

I’m Loving…..


The Little Boys: In case there was any question about how much little brothers love their big brothers, this should answer it.  WB is obsessed with him.  Just obsessed.  He laughs so hard at L.  I love these boys so much I can’t even explain it.

I’m Loving…..

Picasa / Picnik.  I make all of my collages in Picasa and I have just recently started playing around with Picnik (again) and I love it.  I made all my “fancy” blog and giveaway pictures in it this week and it’s so easy.  Hopefully this will tide me over until I can properly figure Photoshop out!  Also, was I the only one who didn’t realize until recently that you could still access Picnik if you went through Picasa???

I’m Loving…..

image credit: sephora

Soap & Glory Hand Food Hand Cream: I heard this stuff was amazing, so when I went to Sephora last week, I picked some up.  And the rumors were true.  This stuff is amazing. My hands feel better already.  Much much better!  Oh and if you are visiting from the link-up, go here and enter because I am giving some away!!

I’m Loving…..

image credit: apartment therapy

Peonies: If I had an unlimited flower budget, I would fill my entire house with fresh flowers all the time. I’m totally loving peonies right now because they remind me of Spring, but I really love them all. I wonder how often all those Real Housewives ladies change out all those floral arrangements they have in their houses? Do they know some secret tricks to keeping flowers fresh for a super long time? Do one of you guys know this trick? Do tell.

I’m Loving…..

My Friends: You know what’s nice? Always having a friend (in real life or in internet life) to turn to for advice or help or give you the warm fuzzies for an amazing gesture (that they want no credit for) or whatever is amazing. Also, friends in other countries are amazing because they can get you things you don’t have here. Like crispy M&M’s. Or Oreo O’s. Yes, people, I have some leads on some Oreo O’s. If they show up at my door I might faint. So from my attorney friends to my friends who make great blog headers to my candy suppliers, I’m loving you all!

I’m Loving…..

image credit: Nest

Nest Diffuser: Ever since I got that Alora diffuser in my August PopSugar box, I have been loving fancy diffusers.  Sure I still love my Target ones, but I like to have a fancy one in my office.  I’ve currently got this one going (thanks SS) and I am totally loving it.

I’m Loving…..

image credit: Dean Foods

Chocolate Milk.  When I was pregnant with WB, I couldn’t start my morning at work before I drank a big glass. It was delicious.  And then WB was born and I kinda forgot about it.  Until now.  I am loving it again (and no, I am not pregnant).  Whenever L has a glass, I also have to have some.  I cut mine (1/2 chocolate milk, 1/2 white milk), while he prefers his straight up.

I’m Loving…..

image credit: Rob Complains About Things

Rob Complains About Things (& Other Male Bloggers). I am on a mission to expand my blogging reading horizon and I stumbled upon “Rob Complains About Things” and think he’s hysterical.  Men who blog are such a rare species, so I totally love when I find a great one.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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