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Amazing Foods (Not Sold in the U.S.)

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It’s possible that yesterday was the biggest day of my life. Why you ask? Because I received a package of Oreo O’s in the mail. I have a friend(*) in Singapore whose cousin was going to South Korea (the only place on earth where Oreo O’s are sold) and she said she’d have him grab me a box. And then I promptly forgot about it. Until yesterday.  I pulled in the driveway after picking L up from school to see a orange “we missed you” note on my door.  And the mailman just down the street.  I glanced at the card, realized who it was from and what was in it and RAN down the street to catch the mailman to get my package.  I am pretty sure that the Comcast guy who was watching all this go down got a good laugh ;).

But looking at the Oreo O’s got me thinking about other amazing things that aren’t available in the U.S. including:
~Crispy m&m’s: It appears you can order these from some German shop on Amazon .  You’ll pay, but these suckers are delicious.
~Smarties: Okay, I have a friend in the U.K. who included Smarties in a package she sent me around the holidays.  She was like I don’t think you have them over there?  I was all huh?  Yes, we do??   Umm, no we don’t.  These are chocolate candies and are super yummy!  And clearly not allowed to be sold here because we already have smarties.
~Ketchup Chips: You *might* be able to buy these in the U.S., but I don’t know where.  I probably wouldn’t call them amazing, but the fact I can’t get them easily makes me want them.
~McDonald’s Pizza McPuff: For whatever reason, the menu’s of McDonald’s in foreign countries is so much better.  Umm, a McPuff?  Yes please!  You’ll have to go far to get one though because they are only available in India.
~Oreo O’s: I don’t think I need to tell you about the deliciousness that are Oreo O’s.  OMG. I love them.  I am rationing the box I have and also hiding it from my boys.
~Kinder Surprise Eggs: I mentioned these a few weeks ago and a lot of people seemed shocked they aren’t sold in the U.S.  Again, that’s because it appears that us Americans are too dumb to realize we aren’t suppose to eat the toys inside.  Duh.

Next time I go to Canada (**), I am going to go to WalMart and check out all the things they have that we don’t.  I’ll report back.  I only included food in this post, but I might do a cosmetics one as well.  In the meantime, tell me what your favorite foreign treats are.  What do you love or want to try that you can’t get here?




(*) I cannot thank you enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(**) It’s like 40 minutes away.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!