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Dear Buddy and L, One time, just one time, could you two just not end up caked in mud after playing outside? Just once. Please?
Dear My Insurance Company, I am unclear what treatments B has received that leads you to believe that he has been “in an accident” that we have not reported, but I am certainly going to call and find out.
Dear America, It appears we are moving in the right direction as Kinder-like-eggs (aka Choco Treasure) are finally legal. That is until some moron eats the Spiderman toy and sues the pants off them because he didn’t realize it wasn’t edible.
Dear Kristin, I totally think it is fate that we are connected in the real world. Or maybe you just THINK we are connected and I am totally catfishing(*) you. You might want to call Nev.
Dear The Easter Bunny, You are the most friendly (and perhaps bored) mall “fantasy friend” I have ever met. You left your seat, socialized with everyone in the food court, passed out masks, etc. And WB (and L of course) loved you. Thank you.
Dear FB Posters, How about we do a little research before we just go reposting stuff. That job offer? Not true. That sick kid? Not even. That missing child? Home months ago. A quick google search will save everyone a little trouble.
Dear PLL Season 3, When are you coming to Netflix? Or even Hulu? Let’s get on that okay?