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Monday Morning Ramblings

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This image won’t be coming back. It makes me dizzy.

~We had a great weekend over here. L had an amazing time up-north and probably could have stayed another few days and been perfectly happy. He loves it up there and loves playing with his cousin (my cousin’s son really – you figure out how they are related because I don’t know) even more. B ran the Corktown 5K yesterday (in 22:27 – so awesome!) and has now completed race #2 of his 30 races in his 30th year (really in 2013). We also broke out the patio furniture. It’s been in the garage in boxes since it was delivered and since it got to over 60 degrees yesterday, we wanted to check it out. I am happy that the table is dent free since I bump into it every single day when I pull in the garage. Oops!

~Umm, who is all watching The Bachelor tonight? You know this girl is! Do you want Lindsey or Catherine to win? If you know who wins, don’t spoil it okay? And do you think they will actually make it to the alter? I am guessing that, no matter what, this will be the

image credit:

~It’s possible that this is going to be the biggest subscription box week ever. I am excpecting: PopSugar, Birchbox, bluum, Love With Food, Homegrown Collective, The Little Book Club, Yuzen, Citrus Lane (maybe Saturday), Dottiebox and Goodies.  I *think* that’s it, but I gotta tell you, sometimes I don’t even know what is coming until I see it in my mailbox.  It’s going to be a fun (and busy) week here that’s for sure!!!

~I think WB is finally on the verge of cutting his first tooth.  Poor dude is miserable.  I mean miserable for WB anyway.  I feel bad for the guy.  It’s possible he’ll be trying some motrin tonight for the first time ;(.

This is not sad WB

~I’m not going to complain about the time change or anything because I am sure everyone else is talking about it, but it is NOT helping with my attempt to become an early bird.  At all.  I want to start getting up by 7am everyday.  That’s at least an hour or so before the kids get up and I think it’s a fairly reasonable goal.  We’ll see how that works.  What time do you all get up in the morning?

~It seems that everyone on my FB feed is going on Spring Break (not me) and I gotta tell you, I wouldn’t mind sipping drinks on a tropical beach right about now.  Yeah, yesterday was nice, but you know what I mean.  Are you going on any trips for Spring Break?  Do tell!

~And finally, I my blog was blowing up (*) with hits from overseas on Saturdays.  What were the people of Iran, Isreal, Russia, Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates, to name a few, in search of?  Subscription boxes.  I sense that these are untapped markets.  Someone get these people Birchboxes and PopSugar boxes ASAP!!  They want them!!!

(*) Okay fine, there were maybe two dozen hits from foreign countries.  That’s a lot to me though.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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