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Saturday Smiles

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Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

Today I’m smiling because:

~L and I had spent some time the other night looking at pictures and watching videos of when he was a baby. He LOVED it and watching him, well, watch himself, was amazing.

~B’s face lit up like a Christmas tree when I told him we had Wreck-It Ralph on dvd. Guess what we watched last night? Wreck-It Ralph! Just B and I (L’s still up-north).

~I had the most visitors EVER on my blog one day last week. Amazing.

~32 of you linked-up for Thursday Thoughts last week. That is even more amazing. I thought like three people would do it and I was excited about that!

~So many College Basketball games are going to be on tv this weekend!

~I didn’t hurt myself way worse when I fell down the stairs. Listening to everyone’s else’s stories makes me glad I only have bumps and bruises! Could have been way worse.

~My WB is going to be 1 next month. That little guy can make me smile no matter what.

~L is having an amazing time with his cousin(s) up-north and I know that he is smiling because there is a TON of snow up there!

~I watched Shark Tank for the first time last night and am still laughing at some of those characters on there!

What’s got you smiling today?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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