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Saturday’s Smiles

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Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

Today I’m smiling because:

~B’s on Spring Break next week. That means he’ll be home every night this week for dinner!
~My March Favorite Things Giveaway starts next week. Best.Giveaway.Yet.
~I am still loving my new blog design and feeling like a genius for getting some things fixed.
~L was so excited yesterday when he got to get a zillion toppings at fro-yo. I am certain that the “3 toppings only” sign(*) will be back the next time we go, but it was fun to see his picks!
~I got to 1,000 likes on Facebook this week! Sure it’s because I give away stuff (don’t forget to enter my GLOSSYBOX giveaway), but still!
~I’m going to try a new box this month.  Either Julibox or SeasonsBox.  Thoughts?  I was leaning towards SeasonsBox, until I saw they have tea this month (you can peek at the boxes in advance).  Tea or booze?  Tea or booze?  I think you know what’s going to get ordered.
~I’m going to have a link-up this week for Thursday Thoughts. So far I’ve got three four takers (Jen, Sara and Dianne and Amanda) and that is enough to make me smile. Heck I was cool with just one ;)! (***)
~Thanks to you all, I have downloaded the Find My iPhone app and will no longer be running around looking for my iPhone like a crazy person.
~Word on the street is that Menchie’s “Featured Flavor” is Rockin’ Salted Caramel!!  Fro-yo twice in one week?  Don’t mind if I do.

What’s got you smiling today?

(*) I am SO screwed when he learns to read. He is under the impression that if you are a kid, you are only allowed to get 3 toppings. Because there is a “sign” in the fro-yo place that says that…..
(**) If you like tea and do sign up for SeasonsBox using my link, you’ll get an extra item in your box!
(***) If you want to link up, scroll down and grab by button (that sounded dirty didn’t it).  It took me way too long to figure out how to put that code in a box.  Why?  Because I have no clue what that box is called so it was super hard to GTS.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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