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Thursday Thoughts

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Thursday Thoughts

~First of all, if you are linking up today for Thursday Thoughts, you are the coolest person ever.  And if you have a totally random post that’s about everything and nothing at all today and want to link-up, just grab my button (in the bottom right corner), throw it in your blog and come back here and link yourself up!  I promise to read everyone’s posts (and comment) on them ASAP.

~If you follow me on Instagram (ramblingjen), you’ll know that I decided to decorate for Easter and not St. Patrick’s Day. I consulted with my advisor (L) and we settled on Easter. And then with the help of L and WB we decorated. Want to keep kids busy? Give them plastic eggs. WB loved it. And L “decorated” by placing eggs all over the house. We’ll be having a hunt soon to locate those decorations ;). He was also in charge of the putting eggs on the easter tree we have.  It’s an all season tree(*) really, but right now it’s an Easter tree.

Mantle (minus the clutter)
Apothecary Jars (I need more peeps)

~Since I have been going through subscription box withdrawals (I haven’t gotten one in DAYS) I decided to go ahead and order both Julibox and Yuzen.  I don’t exactly know when I will be getting my first boxes from them, but I am excited to try something new.

~Speaking of subscription boxes, I added Homegrown Collective and Doteable to my list yesterday.  Both of them reached out to me, which I totally love!  It makes me feel like they are more connected to their subscribers and who they want to reach.  And, people, it’s your lucky day because Boink Box (**) also reached out to me and wanted to offer you all a coupon code.  You can use code “RAMBLINGSOFASUBURBANMOM” to save 15% on any subscription.  And let’s not kid ourselves, I know you are all checking them out anyways.

~I’ve heard from a few men that read here (shout out) that they know they aren’t in my target audience, but read here anyways.  Dude, if you can read, you are my target audience.  I’m not sure what blogging “category” I am in, but I try (and plan to try even harder) to post about a variety of topics.  Listen, I could post about my kids and kid stuff and how fabulous I think they are everyday, all day.  But I get that not everyone is interested in that.  So I am trying to diversify.

~Don’t tell B, but I need some ideas for his 30th birthday.  No surprise party or trip or anything, but I want to do something cool for him.  But what?  I want something unique and fun and memorable.  We went to Cabo for my 30th (I turned 30 many years ago and it was a trip I won) and he got me a David Yurman ring and it was fabulous.  So I gotta compete with that ;).  I’ve given him two sons, which I think is pretty good, but I want to do something else too!  HELP!!!




(*) It occurred to me that some may think I still have my Christmas tree up and just keep decorating it for different holidays. I’d consider that, but we get a real tree and that thing would be pretty nasty by now. No, I have a feather tree from Pier One that I decorate for different holidays.
(**) Let’s just not click that at work with your boss right behind you okay? 

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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