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What I’m Loving Wednesday!

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I’m linking up again with this kind of love for What I’m Loving Wednesday.

I’m Loving…..

GAP Scarf
image credit: GAP

All Things Green.  I don’t know if it’s because St. Patrick’s Day is coming up or what, but I am obsessed with all things green.  I want green nail polish.  Green shirts.  Green scarves.  Green drinks.  Green everything.  I am sure that as soon as soon as St. Patrick’s Day is over, I will be obsessed with pastels.

I’m Loving…..

Happy Boys

My Boys:  Ugh these boys.  I can’t.  Now that WB is getting older, it’s getting more and more fun to watch them interact.  It’s also becoming more and more annoying to L since WB is into everything he is.  But he’s so sweet and tolerates “Wreck-It Ralph” so well :).

I’m Loving…..

image credit: arbonne 

RE9 Advanced Regenerating Toner:  Thanks to my girl Kristin(*), I found out that this stuff is amazing!  Seriously.  It makes your skin firmer and younger looking and we all know I need that.  My goal is to get my skin (make-up free) to look like it does on certain Instagram filters.  But without the filter.  This is going to get me there ;).

I’m Loving…..

image credit: the jeff probst show

The Jeff Probst Show.  Seeing as how this show is being cancelled, it’s possible I am the only one who loves this.  I watch it whenever I can (i.e. when the stars align and WB’s napping while L’s at school) and he’s always got something interesting on.  Yesterday was Leugh Ann Tuhoy (i.e. the Blindside mom).  She’s not to be messed with!

I’m Loving…..

image credit: Sweet Tooth Love

Easter Basket Cookies.  Believe it or not, these things actually look pretty easy to make.  Roll up a ball or pre-made sugar cookie dough, bake it in a muffin tin and then press your finger in it when it ‘s still warm to make the basket.  Then decorate.  Genius.  I know what L and I are making for our next project!

I’m Loving…..
Spring Break.  
I mentioned it like a million times, but B is on Spring Break this week.  Yesterday he got home at like 4pm (he had a dentist appointment) and I about tipped over.  We had time for a trip to Target and we went out to dinner (at L’s favorite restaurant).  It was amazing!

I’m Loving…..

image credit: nordstrom

Chloe Duvet: It’s probably for the best that thing duvet isn’t available anymore because if it were, I would want it.  But yeah, expensive duvets aren’t exactly kid / dog friendly.  Well, at least not at this house!  I’ve learned my lesson.  But I do love this.  A lot. 

I’m Loving…..

Happy L, Sad WB

The Funniest Picture Ever:  This is awful, but I laugh every time I look at this picture. WB is happy 99% of the time.  The other 1% is when he’s eating bottles or getting his picture professionally taken.  The other one was a fluke.  Oh and if you are dying to know, (and you likely aren’t), the boys outfits are from Target (WB’s tie & L’s shirt) and GAP (WB’s pants & shoes and L’s sweater vest).




(*) If you want to try this too, e-mail Kristin and she’ll hook you up with 35% off. Sweet right??
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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