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Would you / did you live together before you got married?

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First of all, can I just tell you how much I loved last week’s poll? I loved hearing about how you met your significant others so much! Some of the stories were romantic. And some were just flat out funny. I loved them all!

This week I want to know if you lived with your significant other (past or present) before you got married? Did it work out? Would you do it again? And if you didn’t live together, would you do it the same way next time?

B and I did, sort of. When we met he was in the Army and was stationed maybe 20 minutes from my house. He lived in the barracks. So it wasn’t like I could just go to his house and hang out. He had to come to mine. I mean, I could go to his “room” (he didn’t have a roommate), but he would have to like come pick me up and take me to base because I couldn’t just go there alone you know? So he’d come over. And eventually all of his stuff came with him.  But he always had the barracks to “fall back on” in case things didn’t work out.  So in that way, we didn’t have the normal living together commitment.  

What about you?  Did you live together before you got married?  Do tell!

ETA: Kelsey (my SIL) is right, we totally did this poll before.  No wonder I thought it sounded like such a good idea.  LOL.  Feel free to read the results of that poll here.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!