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April Hello Flo Review

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Hello FloHello Flo
April Hello Flo

One of the boxes I received during this week’s subscription box bonanza happened to be HelloFlo. HelloFlo is a monthly subscriptions service for your period. Each month you can expect to receive tampons as well as some back up protection like pads and pantiliners. You can select your flow level (Low Flo, Medium Flo, Heavy Flo or Short & Heavy) and they will send you exactly what you need.  They will also send some fun and tasty treats as a pick-me-up.

Hello FloHello Flo
The Box

When I first saw the box, I couldn’t figure out what it was or who it was from. And then it dawned on me. That was the point. You don’t want to end up feeling awkward carrying the box in from the mailbox and running into your neighbors or getting it delivered and work with all your co-workers around you know?

First Look

I hadn’t seen any pictures of Hello Flo boxes, so I wasn’t sure what to expect for the treats, but when I saw that red and white chevron, I knew I was going to be happy!

The Note

Since this was my first box, my note welcomed me to Hello Flo and explained a little about the service.  It doesn’t discuss the products or what to do with them because I am pretty sure you know.

~The Supplies:  I can’t remember if I picked Light Flo or Medium Flo, but it was one of those.  You enough tampons to get you through, plus you get a selection of pads and pantyliners.  It didn’t say what brands to expect, but I was happy to see they were tampax.

The Supplies

The Treats: I love that they went a little outside the box and didn’t just send a few chocolates.  Gummy bears are one of my favorite treats (no matter what time of the month it is) and I’ve never had Pocky Sticks, but I could totally get into them.  They are chocolate cream covered biscuit sticks, which are a favorite in Japan.

The Treats

~The Handmade Box:  Since it was my first box, they included a handmade chevron box to use to store my supplies.  I LOVE this little box.  I don’t want to put it under my sink because I want to see it more it’s that cute!  I’ll figure something out though!

The Extra Treat

I didn’t do a total value on Hello Flo like I do with most boxes because they don’t bill themselves as a subscription to save you money.  It’s a service.  They’ll send you what you need, when you need it.  You won’t have to worry about running out at the last minute because you ran out of stuff.  It’ll all be in your mailbox a few days before you need it!

What do you think about Hello Flo?  Is it a service you could see yourself using?  If you want to subscribe or learn more, click here.

Disclosure: This box was provided for review purposes. All opinions are my own and no compensation was received. However, this post does include affiliate links.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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