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Sunday Social

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I am, once again, linking up with Ashley and Neely for today’s Sunday Social.

1. What is your shopping weakness?
Kids clothes for sure. I cannot go to Target or BabyGap without browsing through their clearance section. And sunglasses. I love sunglasses. But it’s not just like $10 sunglasses, which wouldn’t be so bad. It’s designer sunglasses. I see them (like the ones I am hoping B gets me below) and I just fall in love.

Wouldn’t you be in love too?

2. What is your food weakness?
Ice cream. I didn’t have to think about this at all. I don’t care if it’s 10 degrees it, I still want some ice cream. And I eat it in a mug. Not a bowl. A mug. Does anyone else do this? We always did it growing up and I do it now. I think it drives B nuts.

Cannot wait to see this at Kroger!

3. What is your go to movie to watch when nothing is on?
I feel like you can’t go wrong with Crazy Stupid Love. Or heck, even Top Gun. Mean Girls and Clueless are up there too. Even if somethingis on and I come across one of these movies, I must stop everything an watch it. In full.

A classic

4. What is your go to breakfast food?
Lately I’ve been eating like bananas and hard boiled eggs (thanks to the Advocare 24-Day Challenge) and things along those lines, but I really like to eat LUNA bars for breakfast. I don’t know when other people eat them, but I like them for breakfast. ThinkThin bars are good too.

Chocolate Peppermint is the best

5. Do you drink coffee? If so, how do you take it?
I wish I was one of those people that like just plain old coffee. But no, I need it all fancy. My favorite coffee drink (right now) is the chocolate chip frappe from McDonalds. I am pretty sureit has no less than 1,000 calories and 50 grams of fat in it, so yeah, it’s super healthy. You know what I should do if I want one? I should WALK there and drag the kids in the wagon. Now that’s a thought!! I might not want it as much after that work to get there you know?


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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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