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What I’m Loving Wednesday!

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I’m linking up again with this kind of love for What I’m Loving Wednesday.

I’m Loving…..

Chevron Maxi Skirt

Piperlime.  Why do I always forget that Piperlime not only has shoes, but they have clothes too???  And super cute ones at that!  I am loving this skirt (although I am certain I have one very similar), but it’s backordered till June.  Although, at this pace, I may not need a skirt till June since it’s still fairly chilly here!

I’m Loving…..


Boom Chicka Pop.  Let’s be honest, it’s not movie popcorn or anything, but for 35 calories a cup, it’s pretty darn good!  And they sell it at Target, so it’s not like you have to search everywhere for it.  And it’s got a cool name ;).

I’m Loving…..


L.  No walk through the neighborhood is complete without climbing a few dirt / stone piles!  We’ve been doing this on walks for years and I am certain that there are enough houses that still need to be built that we can enjoy it for years to come.  L totally loves it and I could care less if it adds a little more laundry for me.  What’s an extra pair of pants to wash??

I’m Loving…..

The Dump Truck

The Dump Truck.  So L just got this new dump truck and both boys are obsessed with it.  L puts WB in it and takes him for rides, WB talks around pushing it and L runs everywhere with it.  This this has already provided hours of fun!  WB goes crazy when L takes him for a ride.  He just laughs and laughs.  And it’s just the right size for WB, which is perfect!

I’m Loving…..
Getting Things Done.  
I finally checked off a few things from my “To-Do” like that have been on there for way too long.   Neither were difficult or time consuming or anything, but I just keep putting them off!  You know those kind of chores!  Sadly the list includes some other items that I don’t feel like doing, but they need to happen, so I gotta do it!

I’m Loving…..

The WB

The WB.  The WB had his one year check up this week and it was determined that he is a complete peanut!  So little! And the doctor was cracking up that he still has no teeth.  It’s going to be like having a totally different kid when those teeth finally come in.  As for the above picture, I really need to get working on an outtake collage.  I took SO many pictures in order to get 12 good ones!  Some are so funny!

I’m Loving…..


B!  I know I say this all the time, but I honestly don’t know how B does it.  He leaves the house by 5:30 every morning, works out, works all day and then goes to school at night.  He’s gone like what, 17 hours a day?  Yet he’s looking better than ever (wait till summer and his shirtless season begins, you’ll see), he’s not crabby at all and kicking butt at school!  He’ amazing!

That’s it from here.  What are you loving this week?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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