April Pawalla Mini Box Review

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

Edited to Add: Pawalla is no longer in business.

Pawalla Mini Box
April Pawalla Mini Box

Pawalla offers monthly deliveries of delicious wet foods, treats, supplements, and more for your dog or cat.  The Pawalla regular box promises 7-9 premium full-size products, including wet food, treats, supplements or vitamins, essentials, and a toy, while the Pawalla mini box offers 4-5 premium full-size products and includes treats, a toy and surprise item(s) but no wet food.  I picked up a deal on Fab.com for the mini box a while back, so that’s what you see here.

Pawalla Mini Box
Pawalla Mini Box

Pawalla ships via USPS Smart Post and took it’s sweet time to get to my house. Can just anyone use Smart Post or do you have to be a business? Because I want to do a price and speed comparison. I am sure it would be the most boring blog post ever for most of you, but I’d pretty much love it.

Pawalla Mini Box
First Look
Pawalla Mini Box
Second First Look

I was super excited when I opened the box and saw a bunch of things that weren’t familiar to me at all. Sure it’s fun getting old favorites in subscription boxes, but part of the fun is to get all new things!

Pawalla Mini Box
The Information Card

Pawalla doesn’t have a monthly theme (which makes sense as they are a pet subscription and there is only so much you can do with a theme), so the information card tells you all about the products. The flip side of the card gives you information on Pawalla and their referral program, point system, etc. Here’s what Baxter and Buddy received this month.

~Lucky Dog – Peanut Butter and Berry Amazing($7.49): I’ll admit it, even I thought these sounded good. I know Baxter and Buddy will totally enjoy them as these gourmet treats are right up their alley. Although, I did take the furries to the vet the other day and Buddy has gained 2lbs, so he may have to cut back! albs is ALOT if you are a little dog. I’m not really clear where this weight is on him, but the scale wasn’t broke since Baxter was there too and weighed the same as always.

Pawalla Mini Box
Lucky Dog – Peanut Butter and Berry Amazing

~Earth Heart – Canine Calm Spray ($12.98): Hmm, if this works, I am going to buy it by the vat. Just kidding. Sort of. It’s supposed to help soothe dogs during stressful times, including thunderstorms, fireworks and vet vistas. If your neighborhood is anything like mine, the fireworks start around Memorial Day and continue on a nightly basis until, oh, Labor Day. My dogs HATE them. Thunderstorms are no big deal to them. But fireworks? Make it stop. I will totally report back on this!

Pawalla Mini Box
Earth Heart – Canine Calm Spray

~Wigzi Tasties Treats ($5.99): These are made with pea flour, tapioca flour and chickpea flour and are perfect for treating pets on the go. I’m not overly clear on how Buddy gained so much weight since they don’t get treats very often and he moves 24-7, but he’ll have to enjoy these delicious treats in moderation.

Pawalla Mini Box
Wigzi Tasties Treats

~Amazing Pet – Rope Ball ($5): I cracked up when I saw this in the box. I think this rope ball is as big as Buddy’s head. Which granted isn’t that big, but he’ll never be able to get it in his mouth. LOL!!! They’ll either have to gnaw on it, or I’ll gift it to my brother’s much bigger dogs!

Pawalla Mini Box
Amazing Pet – Rope Ball

All totaled, I came up with a value of $31.46 for the April Pawalla Mini Box.   This is a great value since the mini Pawalla box is $20/month or $18/month if you purchase a 6-month subscription.  Plus, if you use my link, you’ll save $6.50 on your first box!   I got it on Fab.com for $9.33/month, so yeah I am getting a STEAL!!

Did you get a Pawalla Mini Box this month?  What’d you think?  And are your boxes always a month behind like mine are?  Or did you actually get an April box in April?  If you are interested in signing up or just want to learn more, click here.

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Mary Q.

    I think a shipping comparison would be fascinating. I’ve had to do so much research to learn about all the shipping options. Even better would be if you could get info for small businesses vs. personal accts. I always wonder how some companies cover shipping costs and I think they must have some sort of insider knowledge/deal…

    You’d probably get a whole host of new visitors based on that! People love informative posts. I’ve found my most popular post is a simple “how to set up a Facebook page” tutorial. One of the other bloggers I used to follow said hers was a how-to on using washi tape to decorate your keyboard. So I think a shipping comparison post would be quite popular!

  2. Kellie

    I got different things! We got the first treats (Peanut butter ones) and the ball, and we also got something you add to the water to help with fresh breath and paw wipes! My puppy (who weights maybe 6 pounds tops) loves the ball, she cant get the whole thing in her mouth but she can grip a few of the strings, so she can carry it around and gnaw on it.

  3. Viv

    I got the same box as you, didn’t realize we were behind!

    The rope is too big for us. We tried the Wigzi treats last night and Lilee approves!

  4. Susan

    I’ve been thinking of trying a box for my dog, but most of them seem a little pricey to me. I like that they offer a mini box. I may have to give this subscription a try…

  5. Brian H

    The big dogs want that ball!!!

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