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May Mama’s Got Mail Review

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
Mama's Got MailMama's Got Mail
May Mama’s Got Mail

Mama’s Got Mail is a brand new (this was their first ever box) monthly gift subscription service that sends fun, thoughtful items to moms each month. The idea behind Mama’s Got Mail is to help you feel encouraged and supported as a mom so that you can be the best woman you can be.

Mama's Got MailMama's Got Mail
The Box

Since this is the first ever Mama’s Got Mail box, I didn’t know how it shipped, what the box looked like, etc. I am pleased to report that the box shipped via UPS and arrived in perfect quite quickly.

Mama's Got MailMama's Got Mail
First Look

I was so excited to see what was in the box that I never even took a second first look picture!  But I can tell you that everything was neat packaged and wrapped.  Until I tore in it anyway.

The Workbook

Unlike most boxes which contain only “things”, Mama’s Got Mail gives you tasks and wants you to put some thought into what is included in the package.  This month’s theme is the “Seasons of Motherhood” and is all about getting some perspective on the overall journey of motherhood, figuring out what stage you are in and what the pros and cons of each stage are.  I haven’t had a chance to work on my pros and cons, but from the looks of it, I am in the “jugglingMom” phase.

~Things Good Mothers Know by Alexandra Stoddard ($15.60):  Mama’s Got Mail knows you probably don’t have time to necessarily sit down and read the entire book, so they suggest you carve out an hour one day this month, read the marked chapter and work on the worksheet that’s included.  It’s more like a mothering workshop than just a book / box.

Things Good Mothers Know by Alexandra Stoddard

~The Republic of Tea Mother’s Day Roses Tea ($14.95): For whatever reason, I want to try this tea.  It’s green tea made with passionfruit and something about it just makes me want to try it.  I plan on reporting back on this because actually wanting to drink tea is huge for me!  I hope it’s good!

The Republic of Tea Mother’s Day Roses Tea

~Crate & Barrel Everyday White Mug ($2.95): Pretty sure I do want to curl up with this chunky mug and book and even the tea one night soon.  And heck, if the tea isn’t for me, I’ll fill it with ice-cream.  Oops, I mean water ;).

Crate & Barrel Everyday White Mug

I didn’t do a total value on this box because I wasn’t sure how to value the workshop part of the box.  I included the prices of the physical items, but wasn’t sure how to value the real point of the box, which is about feeling a renewed appreciation for the stage you are in of motherhood, which may help you enjoy it (good parts and bad) more.

What do you think of Mama’s Got Mail?  If you are interested in subscribing or just want to learn more, click here.  Subscriptions start at $39/month.

Disclosure: This box was received for review purposes. No compensation was received and, as always, all opinions are my own!
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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