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Monday Morning Ramblings

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~Today is a big day. A huge one in fact because……it’s L’s birthday!!! I have a little post about that coming soon, but it wouldn’t be right if i didn’t mention it here too. We’ve been talking about him turning 5 for ages. For some reason, 5 seems like a BIG birthday. 5 seems like you are no longer a little kid. It’s big kid time. You gotta move to the big kid clothes area at Target. 5 means you start kindergarden. It’s just a huge birthday!

Baby L 

~This week is going to be a little crazy around here. I have a bunch of giveaways ending (I’ll pick and announce the winners as soon as they end) and I NEED to figure out what to do for my May Favorite Things giveaway. I thought I’d have that figured out by now, but nope. If I don’t get my act together soon, it’s going to be the June Favorite Things giveaway. Do you think I should keep it with the one winner, or should I branch out and pick two winners? I mean, I can’t giveaway two iPads or anything crazy, but I’d still be able to keep it fun. Let me know your thoughts!

~I am expecting a TON of boxes this week. It’s seriously insane. I should be getting ipsy (my autocorrect always wants to change this to “tipsy”), birchbox, PopSugar, Love With Food, Fancy Food Box, Kiwi Crate, Julibox and probably blumm. I thought there was more, but that might be it. While I know what is in it, I am most excited for PopSugar. I mentioned it Friday, but one of my PopSugar boxes shipped via FedEx Smart Post (which is their normal shipping method), while the other shipped via FedEx Ground. A couple of other girls on MUT mentioned that their boxes shipped via FedEx Ground too, but most people’s shipped the normal SmartPost way. I am dying to know why box shipped differently?? Is the clutch in it? I don’t know that I am even dying to get the clutch. I just want to KNOW. The suspense is killing me! Did anyone else’s boxes ship via FedEx Ground??

Not as many steps as last week ;(.  But look at all those floors climbed!

~I am still totally loving my fitbit and got to nearly 22,000 steps yesterday! Woot woo! I need to change my daily goal from 10,000 steps to 15,000 steps. I always feel like SUCH a loser if I don’t meet my daily goal and I think it would totally motivate me to get more steps! If you have a fitbit how many steps are you getting a day? And what did you set your goal at? I think it automatically sets it at 10,000, but did you switch it?

~And OMG I almost forgot, yesterday was Mother’s Day! My boys spoiled me, and yes, B (well L and WB) got me the sunglasses I have been lusting after. I am pretty sure I get sunglasses every Mother’s Day. It’s a great tradition ;). And L knew what they had gotten me and did everything but tell me. He’d look right at me wearing sunglasses and say we might have gotten you those. And then he’d giggle and run off and tell B how he tricked me (?). He’s so stinkin funny. Ohhh, and inside the gift bag he made me at school (you know, the one that he said I weighed 38lbs on – BAHAHAHA), was a beautiful magnetic recipe card holder and a poem. He was so cute and so proud when he gave it to me. Such a sweet kid! What’d you do to celebrate? I hope you got spoiled and / or spoiled your mom!!!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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