So What Wednesday!

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So What Wednesday

It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT if….

~I have a secret crush on Gov. Chris Christie. That man tells it like it is and I love it.
~I am so excited for the premier of Real Housewives of New Jersey I can barely stand it. OMG it’s going to be amazing.
~I keep forgetting that Jessica Simpson is pregnant.
~I’m annoyed by how Cocoa & Hearts sells paintings, yet I want one like you wouldn’t believe. So basically I need to stick close to home and twitter tomorrow. UGH.
~It’s been raining here and I love it.
~My fitbit keeps telling me to MOVE IT JENNIFER.  Clearly I haven’t been getting enough steps in.  UGH.
~I want to go back to the Pottery Barn outlet.
~I am dreading registering L for kindergarden.  Not because I am sad he’s going (I’m excited for him), but because I have to gather so much paperwork!
~B agreed when I suggested that we have our garage sale this weekend, but I totally regret suggesting it….

That’s it from here. What are you saying so what to this week?

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Arrie

    Oh the paperwork! Dr reports, multiple bills, and even a signed affidavit. Crazy! All for a 5 year old. Have fun!!! And I so wish I could come to your garage sale. I’ll bet you have neat stuff!

  2. Shannon

    I keep forgetting that Jessica Simpson is pregnant as well, probably because all you read about is Kim K. and Kate Middleton.

  3. Lily S.

    School enrollments are intimidating! I’ve been looking to preschools and I feel like I should have started months ago (which is probably true). Let me know if you have tips for a garage/yard sale. I’ve been thinking about it, but not sure if I have the determination.

  4. Jen

    Oh goodness RHONJ is back?!?! It’s gonna get really interesting haha.

  5. Krystal

    Hey! You got baby goods in this sale?! I’m comin over if u do! Lol

  6. Danielle

    Lol! I love Chris Christie too…but a crush? Haha! RHNJ starts on my birthday….so looking forward to this season.

  7. Jennifer Cochran

    My husband is headed out of town on Sunday, I’m trying to figure out how to get him to leave early so I can watch in peace!

  8. Jenny

    Getting Ns paperwork together was horrible and here you have to go to the school. I looked online and it says you can go anyday. I even called and she said just come by. I sent M while I was in Vegas and nope it has to be a certain time :/ really you couldn’t tell me that when I called. Oh and then we went for Parent Orientation and they had pre-made nametags and Ns wasn’t there. They wanted to make sure I registered. Uhm yes and you sent me the email about orientation so who screwed up. Still I’m excited for him but there are going to be 7 K classes at his school. It is crazy how many little kids that is. LOL

    I wish I was closer I love working a yardsale. I would totally come over and help you out.

  9. Aimee A

    I keep forgetting to wear my fitbit. My numbers look like crap!

  10. nichole budnick

    My garage sale flopped except for the hockey equipment and I have the next week of dropping stuff off at play it again

  11. Mrs. L

    So what if the Sharks lost, they played a great series and took the Kings to seven games.
    So what if I’m going to be depressed for at least a week because the Sharks lost.
    So what if I’m going to ignore my Kings friends for a bit because I can’t stand their gloating!

  12. Becky

    I absolutely love Gov. Christie. I would LOVE if he ran for president in 2016.

  13. Lindsey

    RHONJ! YES! The promos are killing me because I want to watch it like yesterday! Also, I’m way too lazy to have a yard sale, but man do we need one!

  14. Alexia561

    I love Gov Christie for the same reason, as he doesn’t take crap from anyone! Love it when he yells at reporters to stop asking stupid questions!

    Good luck with the garage sale!

  15. As

    Ahhhh RHONJ! I am soooo looking forward to this. I used to *lovelovelove* Teresa when the show first started … but am I the only one who wants to kick her in the ass?! She’s just as bad as Danielle! I know Jacqueline had a rough year last season, but I’m hoping they show more of her this go around … even though the family drama is what keeps selling the show! Looking forward to Sunday night now!!

  16. Jackie

    It’s definitely kindergarten registration season- I’ve been filling out crazy physical forms, giving vaccines galore, and checking lots of 4/5 year olds vision/hearing!

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