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Friday iPhone Dump

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If you feel like linking up and showing off your weekly iPhone pictures grab the button and link-up below!  If not, that’s cool too.

1. Well of course we went to Target this week! Only once though, but we do need to go back again today for a mop (thanks again everyone for the suggestions). Why don’t shopping carts have a five point harness system to keep kids properly restrained?? WB can maneuver out of anything!

2. We have spent a crazy amount of time this week playing in these huge puddles and as luck would have it, it’s suppose to rain more so we’ll still be able to head over there today.

3. While L was totally being an amazing helper, he did kind of get WB sprayed with a ton of water on purpose.  Of course, WB just kinda shook it off and ran back for more, so I don’t think it mattered.

4. Someone was a tad tired after playing in the fountains.  He could barely move he was so beat!  Which may be the reason why he didn’t try to take his shoes off?

5. Again with the cuteness of these two!  WB saw all the other cups playing with cups in the fountain (it’s like the thing to do), so when he got his hands on one, he right away went over to the fountains and did what the big kid were doing.  Adorable!

6. Usually this scenario is reversed and B has his space, but last night the boys were all over him.  And look at that beard.  OMG!

7. “Mama, it’s like a hot tub in here”!  Hmm, maybe a hot tub on the Jersey Shore or in the Real World?  That water is GROSS.  But L loves it, so I let it happen!

8.  WB really just started walking on Monday and he can’t be stopped now.  It’s so wild that last week he was just take a few steps here or there and now it’s a true walker!

9. I think this was the 2012 birthday gift at Sephora and I probably got it last year too, but I love these mini lip balms.  They are seriously adorable.  I wonder if you can just buy this size anywhere?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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