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Friday iPhone Dump

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If you feel like linking up and showing off your weekly iPhone pictures grab the button and link-up below!  If not, that’s cool too.

1.  Umm, how did I forget about the adorable carts they have for kids at Trader Joes?  It’s all L can talk about.  And now my mom thinks I need to buy one and TAKE IT WITH me every time we grocery shop at another store.  Because she used to do that when we were kids.  Really???  Such high standards.

2.  WB is finally moving away from eating crayons to actually coloring with them.  Once he realizes what they do, he thinks they are pretty darn cool.  B thinks I should sell his art online.

3.  This picture makes me laugh every time I see it.  WB is always trying to share his food with people.  If you act even remotely interested in it, he’s all over you.  And B always asks for some and is always grossed out (I mean sometimes WB puts it in his own mouth first) when he actually gets it.

4. Yeah, that’s Buddy in the raft in our neighbors pool.  He hops right on there and just floats around.

5.  Someone wasn’t happy about modeling the hat we got in one of our June Citrus Lane boxes this month, but he was a sport and did it anyway.  I think he looks cute.

6. WB is working on getting more teeth (he’s seriously on a roll) and every once in a while, L likes to check on them.  You can’t tell from this picture, but WB hates it!

7. B got a surprise delivery from the boys over at Mantry in the mail yesterday and he was SO EXCITED. Told him he got a package and he just looked at me like yeah, that’s nice. And then I said it was from Mantry and his face lit up like a Christmas Tree. And now he is the proud owner of his very own Mantry ice-cream scoop! Have you seen the sundaes he’s been posting on his instagram? So good.

8. L spent the night at my parents (aka Nana and Papa’s house) and was able to talk Papa into helping him build a volcano in the sandbox.  Actually it probably wasn’t that hard.  He can talk Papa into anything ;).

9. Aww, these boys.  L was being silly and was eating a cupcake like WB does.  With his face ;).

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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