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July Carefree Crafts Review

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

Edited to Add: Carefree Crafts has closed their doors.

July Carefree Crafts July Carefree Crafts
July Carefree Crafts

The July Carefree Crafts package arrived on the earlier side this month, but L and I were happy to see it. In fact, the day after it arrived I asked L what he wanted to do that afternoon and he replied crafts. Perfect timing!  In case you aren’t familiar, Carefree Crafts is a new’ish monthly subscription service which delivers fun craft kits to your door every month (or a la carte). Carefree Crafts is perfect for preschool and elementary ages kids (aka L) ages 3-7. Subscriptions start at $12.50/month and contain five complete craft kits.  Carefree Crafts knows you can go out an buy these crafts yourself, but they save you time and money by not having to run to craft store and search online!

Carefree CraftsCarefree Crafts
The Bag

Carefree Crafts ships via USPS First Class Mail. I live near Carefree Crafts, so it comes fast! I wish all boxes shipped out of Michigan.

Carefree CraftsCarefree Crafts
First Look

Each Carefree Craft project is in it’s own individual package, so if you want to do just a few at a time, you won’t lose all the pieces to the other project.

The Information Card

The June Carefree Crafts theme was “Happy Birthday, USA!” and included patriotic crafts to celebrate our country’s birthday.  It also included a few ways to explain the 4th of July to your kids.  It kind of made me realize that yeah, L has no idea why we celebrate the 4th.  We talked about it a little during the projects, but there’s more work to be done.

Color a USA Beach Ball:

Color a USA Beach Ball
Color a USA Beach Ball – The Materials

The first project L worked on was the color a beach ball.  When I took the picture above, I didn’t realize that there was a blue pen in the bag that I had missed.  I totally thought that the thing with the blue cap was a blue pen, just a different kind.  Umm, no, that’s glue.

Color a USA Beachball – The Result

For some reason, I had L color the beach ball before I blew it up, which I am guessing made it 10x harder?? I   He’s not a huge fan of coloring in the lines anyway, so I am not sure it mattered though.  He just wanted to get his hands on those fun markers.  I colored the flip side of this after it was blown up and it was much easier.

Patriotic Bug Magnet:

Patriotic Bug Magnet
Patriotic Bug Magnet – The Materials

L assigned this craft to me while he was working on the the beach ball and I was happy to help.

Patriotic Bug Magnet – The Results

I think I did a pretty good job on this one and play to take it up-north to the cottage for the fridge up there.  Our fridge is only magnetic on the sides, which is good since it’s never looks cluttered on the front, but bad because sometimes I do want to clutter it up with L’s art projects and stuff.

Craft Stick Flag

Craft Stick Flag
Craft Stick Flag – The Materials

L saw that this project included glue and was all over it.   I think this was my favorite craft of the bunch this month as well.  It’s totally something we’d made here and I think we might do it again one day.  Only we’ll paint the popsicle sticks ourselves.  I have a year to remember to save enough, so that should be plenty of time.

Craft Stick Flag – In Action
Craft Stick Flag – The Results

When L was working on this project I thought there is no way on earth it’s going to all stay together.  No way.  But to my surprise, it does.  It’s in one piece today and I am impressed by the strength of the glue!

Patriotic Airplane:

Patriotic Airplane
Patriotic Plane – The Materials

The Patriotic Plane was another project L assigned to me.  He took a little crafting break while I worked on it.  He wanted to fly the plane, but not make it.

Patriotic Plane – The Results

I thought I did a pretty good job with this one.  It was super easy because everything was just peel and stick!

Patriotic Windsock:

Patriotic Windsock
Patriotic Windsock – the Materials

When I first saw this I didn’t realize that you were suppose to color the bottom to make it red, white and blue.  LOL.  I thought we just got the white variation, which doesn’t really make sense now that I think about it.

Patriotic Windsock – Almost Done

This was another of L’s projects, which was perfect for him since it was just peeling and sticking.  He didn’t want to color the ends of the windsock, so we didn’t.  Oh and those markers totally didn’t get everywhere.  I thought they’d smear all over the ball when I touched it.  Nope.

What do you think about Carefree Crafts? If you are interested in signing up you are totally in luck because they are offering you the first month for only $5.95 if you use the code “SAVE60”! How awesome is that?? If you want to sign up or learn more, click here!

Disclosure: This was received for review purposes. All opinions are my own (and L’s) and no compensation was received.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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