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June Carefree Crafts Review

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Edited to Add: Carefree Crafts has closed their doors.

Carefree CraftsCarefree Crafts
June Carefree Crafts / Information Card (I forgot to snap a picture of all the crafts together.

Carefree Crafts is a new monthly subscription service which delivers fun craft kits to your door every month (or a la carte). Carefree Crafts is perfect for preschool and elementary ages kids (aka L) ages 3-7. Subscriptions start at $12.50/month and contain five complete craft kits.  Carefree Crafts knows you can go out an buy these crafts yourself, but they save you time and money by not having to run to craft store and search online!

Carefree CraftsCarefree Crafts
The Bag

Carefree Crafts ships with USPS First Class Mail.  And since they ship from MI, I get it super fast.  All boxes should ship from Michigan ;).

The June Carefree Crafts theme was “Thanks, Dad” and included five projects that you can do with your children and have them gift to their Dad (or Grandpa or other Father Figure) on Father’s Day!  Here’s what products were included:

No-Sew Football Pillow

No-Sew Football Pillow
No Sew Pillow – The Supplies

I have never made a no-sew blanket so I insisted that we do this project right away.  L was game (he’s always up for a craft project) and we got it done in no time.  I did make the mistake of separating the pieces before we started though and had trouble trying to line them up perfect again.  No matter because the pillow turned out great!  I’m going to put it downstairs in the man cave.

No-Sew Football Pillow – All done

Father’s Day Can Hug

Father’s Day Can Hug
Father’s Day Can Hug – The Supplies

Umm, I’m pretty sure that L needs to make this for B to take to Bonnaroo next weekend.  How perfect would this be to for him to carry his adult beverage around in?  L and I are making this when he gets back from up-north and sending it along with B.  And we are going to demand pictures of it in use ;).

“You Rule” Tape Measure

“You Rule” Tape Measure
“You Rule” Tape Measure – The Supplies

I don’t know what it is about tape measures, but L loves them.  When he found out what this was, he insisted that we make it immediately.  Well, wait, he insisted that I make this and them ran off with it to measure things (like the dogs tails, WB’s head, etc.).  There’s no way he’s gifting this to B.  It’s all L’s.

“You Rule” Tape Measure – All Done

Floating Foam Ship

Floating Foam Ship
Floating Foam Ship – The Materials

We were playing in the water table the other day and I was sad we couldn’t find any boats for WB to float in there.  And then this came.  I think I am going to have B make this with L and then all the boys can test it out.  I know WB will love it and L will love making it!

Father’s Day Photo Frame

Father’s Day Photo Frame
Father’s Day Foam Frame – The Materials

L and I are going to work on this project this week (or next weekend) and put a cute picture of B and his sons in here and include it with his Father’s Day gift.   Since B won’t be home for Father’s Day, we have some extra time.  He’s going to love it and I hope it lands on his desk at work!

What do you think about Carefree Crafts? If you are interested in signing up you are totally in luck because they are offering you the first month for only $5.95 if you use the code “SAVE60”! How awesome is that?? If you want to sign up or learn more, click here!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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