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Kiwi Crate Review + Coupon Code – June 2013

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Kiwi Crate
June Kiwi Crate

The June Kiwi Crate theme is Nature Explorer and includes two projects “my collection box” and “my starlight lantern”.  I decided to do things a little different thing month and include the final products in my crate picture. I think I like it.  You get a better idea of what the crate actually includes!

The Box

I don’t stalk track my Kiwi Crate like I do with some of my other boxes, so I was kind of surprised when it showed up in my mailbox.  Frankly, I should stop tracking all my boxes and just let them show up and be all surprised, but that’s probably not going to happen.

First Look

Kiwi Crate told us what all of the summer crate themes and projects were last month and I was super excited for this one.  These projects are right up L’s alley for sure.

Second First Look

The Kiwi Crate first / second looks don’t really look too impressive do they?  It’s hard to show how cute everything is without actually doing the projects, but the materials are high quality and sturdy so things aren’t going to fall apart after playing with them for two seconds.

Subscriber Gift: Playing Cards

Kiwi Crate included a special subscriber gift this month – playing cards!  I think they are cute and can’t wait to teach L how to play a few games.  Other than UNO, I don’t think he knows any card games!

Project #1: my collection box

Project #1: my collection box
my collection box: the materials

The first project in the June Kiwi Crate is “my collection box“.  It includes everything you need to build and decorate your own nature collection box.  After you’re done, you can go exploring and see what you can find.  This project is low on the messiness scale, medium on the grownup involvement scale and involves discovering, communicating and moving – gross.

L’s Collection Box

We put together the box right away and settled on a scavenger hunt card (they are a few different options included) after a little discussion.   L ran out to the backyard and quickly was able to find a few things.  He wants to work on finding a better stick (we have no trees here, so no trees means no good sticks) and he needs to get a clover (we have none of those here either).  I think this collection box is going to be a huge hit all summer.  The options of what to hunt for are endless!!  Love this idea!

Project #2: my starlight lantern

project #2: my starlight lantern
my starlight lantern: the materials

The second Kiwi Crate project was “my starlight lantern” and includes everything you need to make a colorful starlight lantern. You can use the included punch to make a pattern of stars and then add your tea light to make it glow.  This project is low on the messiness scale (although I do think those punch out stars make quite a mess), involves medium grownup involvement and involves creating, moving – fun and exploring.

L’s starlight lantern

This was a huge hit.  OMG.  Of course it wasn’t dark when we finished the project, but we went and tested it in the bathroom (it has no windows and is perfect for all things that glow in the dark and things along these lines) and it’s so cool. I know L is dying to test it out when he camps “for real” in the backyard this summer.  And luckily I have a bunch of battery operated tea lights, so we’ll be all set!

nature explorer: explore more

nature explorer: explore more

This month’s explore more included some fun ideas to explore the night sky and learn about stars.  It stays light so late here in the summer that this is one thing we really haven’t done.  I’m going to make it a point this summer to let L stay up late a few nights so we can look at the stars!  Probably when we are up-north because you can see them way better up there!

So proud!

If you don’t already know, Kiwi Crate is $19.95/monthly and is geared towards kids ages 3-7.  We’ve subscribed for ages and have always enjoyed our crates!  If you are interested in subscribing, head to the Kiwi Crate website to order your crate! And don’t forget to use the code “FF50” to save 50% off your first crate!!!  And you can also order single crates, so if there was one you are disappointed that you missed, you still can get it! LOVE this! If you still aren’t sure about it and want to check out more reviews (by me), click here and you can see all of the previous boxes we received.

Do you subscribe to Kiwi Crate? What’d you think of this month’s box? Did you love it as much as we did?

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links!
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!