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June Mantry Box – Breakfast with Pops

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June Mantry

B’s June Mantry arrived today and he was excited to dig through it and see what was inside. I think he’s going to be even more excited when it comes time it eat it, but just looking is going to have to work for now.

The Box

As always, Mantry ships via USPS Priority Mail in a Medium Flat Rate Box.  Mantry takes full advantage of USPS and their flat rate services.  They totally ship some heavy boxes.

The Crate

The June Mantry crate seemed to be a different color than the other months?  I didn’t get them all out to compare, but don’t think I won’t.  Because I will.  I totally will.

First Look

I knew what was in the June Mantry crate, but I was still excited to see what was inside.  I sort of had an idea, but it’s always fun to actually get your hands on the items!  I often know what is in the various boxes I receive before I get them, but I try not to get too excited or too disappointed until I actually get the box.

The Information Card

The June Mantry theme was “Breakfast with Pops” and includes everything you need to make you pops (or someone’s pops) an amazing breakfast from scratch.  This was Mantry’s special Father’s Day edition box and was available for special purchase prior to Father’s Day.  Mantry also sent it out later in the month to all of us monthly subscribers,  I appreciated that they did not do two different crates because people, we would have had to buy both of them.  Here’s what it included:

~HalfPops ($3.99): We received HalfPops in the first ever Mantry box and they are delicious.  So flippin good. For some reason, one night last August I thought it would be a good idea to drop money on a subscription box I’d never heard of, no one I know had ever gotten and hadn’t launched yet.  What could go wrong?  Ha!  Luckily NOTHING did and we’ve been subscribers ever since.


~BurntCabins Grist Mill Stone Ground Buckwhear Pancake Mix ($5): I can’t find a price for this anywhere online, but I estimated it at around $5.  I’m not going to lie, I could go for some pancakes right now.  I think the fact that I like them with a pile of butter and syrup may be the real issue.  But I know that B and I will for sure be having these after the challenge.  FOR SURE!

Stone Ground Buckwheat Pancake Mix

~Steven Smith Tea ($14.99):  Tea isn’t my thing (at all), but B is all over this.  All tea that comes in boxes goes straight to B and he takes it to work with him.  This is a manly tea box and I am guessing he’s going to use it for tea storage long after this tea is gone.  And is turns out that Steven Smith is the man who launched Stash and Tazo!  Who knew!  If you like tea, I am guessing this is AMAZING!

Steven Smith Tea

~Noble Maple Syrup (Tahitian Vanilla Bean) ($27.95): We received the Noble Bourbon syrup a few months ago and it was TDF, so I am certain this will be equally (if not more) amazing.  I would never buy a $28 bottle of syrup, but if it appears at my house?  I’m trying it.

Noble Maple Syrup

~Drunken Monkey Jam ($10): The Jam Stand has the best named line of products ever.  We received the Your My Boy Blue-Berry Jam from Mantry in the past and it was so good.  Drunken Monkey Jam is made with sugar coated bananas, a splash of rum and a dash of lime. I like bananas even more than I like blueberries and I also like rum more like I like bourbon, so this has my name all over it (*).

Drunken Monkey Jam

~Skillet Bacon Spread ($14.99): We also received this, but in a different flavor, in a prior Mantry box.  This was kind of a best of Mantry box I suppose?  I am happy this has popped up again but I kind of dropped the last one we got after B had gotten into it a few times and cracked the bottom of the container.  Oops.  It was still edible, but it wasn’t the same.

Skillet Bacon Spread

~Docker’s Coupon Code: I was kind of surprise to see that Mantry had paired with Dockers for their Father’s Day box because I didn’t know Dockers was that cool.  It appears they are though and I may just have to check out their goods for B.

Dockers Code

All totaled, the June Mantry box had a value of $76.92!  I’m pretty sure this was the most “valuable” Mantry to date (the box is $75/month)!  The bad news is that we won’t get to enjoy this box fully for a few weeks. However, the good news is that the July box should be appearing around that time so we’ll have two boxes to enjoy!

Do you get Mantry?  What’d you think of the box this month?  If you are interested in subscribing or just want to learn more, click here.

(*) After the Challenge of course.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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