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Monday Morning Ramblings

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~We had both a busy and a relaxing weekend. I don’t know how this is possible, but it happened.  B ran the Foam Fest – a 5K and had a 10K Charity Run on Sunday. Umm, the Foam Fest was something else – WB and I went with him. I’ve been to various races with B and this was probably the oddest one of the bunch. It totally looked fun, but no one was running. It was a Foam Walk. I should so have signed up for this one and called it my 5K. That would have been perfect.Ohh, and if B’s friend A is reading this, you need to sign up for that one race with B. L spent the weekend up-north and loved every single second of it. He’s such an up-north kid and luckily for him, we’re all headed back in a few weeks.  Ohh, and B and I got to sit on the patio, just us two last night.  It was quite nice!

~I posted about this in my newsletter, but I am expecting lots of boxes this week. Well I actually have some and they just need reviews and others are set to arrive this week. Expect to see reviews on: Unmentionably Cheeky, Elizabeth & Clarke, PopSugar Must Have for Him, PopSugar Must Have, ipsy, Love With Food, Kiwi Crate, Lip Factory and Thred Up.  I’m not going to lie, I’m most excited about PopSugar. That box needs to GET HERE.  And also Kiwi Crate.  It could be a LONG weekend around here (B’s going to be gone), so we’re gonna need that box ;).

~I watched probably half dozen episodes of Season 3 of PLL (Pretty Little Liars) last night and I am pleased to report it’s just as good as Seasons 1 and 2.    They should pass out Xanax for PLL fans!  I think it’d help me cope with the show better.  I don’t know how these girls go about their day to day lives getting all these texts from A!


~WB has finally cut his first tooth.  Yes, at almost 14 months, WB finally has a tooth.  And the second one is well on its way to popping though.   And the teeth he’s getting?  They are his top two front teeth.  I love it.  And I know you all think WB is always so happy, but he’s not so thrilled by these teeth!  If it were up to him, he’d just toothless eating mac n’ cheese for the rest of his life ;).

~Has anyone sold anything on ebay lately?  I used to do it all the time, but I haven’t used ebay in years (maybe that is why I have so much stuff)? Anything I should know?  I am trying to avoid Craigslist for the most part because, OMG, the questions are insane.  People ask the dumbest things.  Ever.  And if I am selling a jumperoo for $40, no, I won’t take $10.  AHHHHHH.  Plus, I hate meeting people in parking lots and stuff.  Too creepy.    Maybe this should have been a Tuesdays Troubles entry ;).

Alright, enough from here.  How was your weekend?  And what do you have going on this week?  Anything exciting?  Expecting any boxes??

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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