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Monday Morning Ramblings

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

~Thanks(*) to the furlough, our weekend continues into today. I can’t find a good word for this weekend other than random. We found a bird, had huge storms, B stayed out super late, we went swimming in the neighbors pool, B ran a half marathon, we all ate frozen yogurt and I even steam cleaned the tile floors. We were all over the place this weekend that’s for sure. Also, it turned freezing cold here on Saturday. WTF. We almost needed winter hats here yesterday. Way too chilly! We plan on visiting a local farm today and who knows what else?  I am realized summer is ending faster than I would like and we gotta get some activities in!

~I spent some time getting the Monthly Subscription Box List updated with new boxes this weekend and now includes all the boxes I know about. I don’t always update it as soon as I hear about one, but as of right now, everything I know of is on the list (I think)!  If I am missing any, please let me know. And don’t forget, if you don’t feel like scrolling down the entire list, you can always just browse by category from the drop down menu. I also spent some time working on the Links I Love tab and as you can see, I love me some drop-down menus.  That one is still a work in process though ;).

~If you missed my Moxie Jean and thredUP payout posts, I’ll give you a quick recap here. I sent 12 items to thredUP, they accepted 10 and I got a payout of $25.03.  From the time they received the bag to the time my payout was processed, it took about a month.  It’ll be another 2 weeks or so before I actually get the money though.  In comparison I sent 11 items to Moxie Jean (2 of which were pant / top outfits), they accepted them all and I got a payout of $22.99.  And it took less than a week from the time they got my bag to the time they processed it.  And I received a check a few days later.  Which one is better?  I have no idea.  Moxie Jean is certainly much faster, but my payout was higher from thredUP.

~I included all the subscription boxes I should be getting this week in my newsletter, so I won’t tell you about all of them again here.  However, I am planning on testing out a few new boxes in August (on my own) including Trunk Club (for B) and Datelivery (for B and I).  Has anyone tried either one of those yet?

~L is going up-north this weekend (I think we all are actually) and is counting down the days.  I need to figure out a way to get him excited about going to school in the fall.  Any tips?  New clothes, new school supplies, etc. don’t excite him at all.

~Has anyone been to IKEA lately?  I am dying to go there and I feel like a trip is in my near future.  I’m not sure what I need, but I need the new catalog (**) and I haven’t been there in far too long.


~It appears that Graze codes are quite hard to come by these days, so if anyone has one they would like to share, please leave a comment with it.  I’d start it, but I think I passed out my original code like 100 times so the chances of me getting another aren’t so good.  And if you are looking for one, please comment as well.  We’ll start a little chain.  The only thing is if you get one from the chain, you need to pass it along to someone waiting for it on here.  No need to leave your e-mail address for everyone to see it, I’ll reply to your comment once I have a code for you.  And if you have a code, I will e-mail it to the person waiting and won’t publish it when you leave a comment with it.

Alright, enough from here.  How was your weekend?  What’d you do? Tell me all about it!

Disclosure: This post contains some affiliate / referral links.
(*) Not really.
(**) I realize I could look at the catalog online, however, actually having a hard copy of one is far better.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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