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Saturday Smiles

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Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

Today I’m smiling because:

~I am actually excited for my ipsy bag and Birchbox to arrive this month! I’m usually just meh about ipsy, but this month is looking fabulous! And my Birchbox also looks amazing! Such a good subscription box month so far!

~WB is working on tooth #4, is walking all over the place and continues to sleep 12-14 hours a night.  And naps 2x a day.  During naptime(s) sometimes L and I just sit on the couch exhausted because when WB’s awake, there’s no sitting still!

~L and WB played so nicely in the pool and in the sandbox yesterday. They were so good and I know WB is beyond thrilled to be playing side by side with L. And while L doesn’t enjoy it quite as much, he is so good with WB.  Very patient.  WB is so lucky to have him!

~I’m headed out to run some errands in a bit, which also makes me smile! I love ticking things off the To-Do list.  If you still want to try some Spark, let me know ASAP and I’ll pop some in the mail (I have to go to the post office today).

~We’ve only got 4 more more days of the Challenge until we are done! Woot woot! I am treating myself to on the 25th day and then will continue on with the clean eating and walking / running!

~I’m going to the casino Monday.  They keep sending me e-mails and I can no longer resist.

~B has been in an extra good mood lately which makes me in an extra good mood.

~L doesn’t know it yet, but B is working on an actual camping trip for the two of them!  It would be nice and local so WB and I could hang out with them during the day, but far enough away that they’d be roughing it and cooking by the campfire!

~I don’t even miss Diet Pepsi anymore.  Frappes?  Yes.  Diet Pepsi?  Nope!

~I am putting the finishing touches on my box for my Subscription Box Swap partner (*) and I am super excited about it!  I hope she loves it!

That’s it from here!  What’s got you smiling today?




(*) I mentioned it yesterday, but we are doing a box swap in a FB group I am in.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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