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Thursday Thoughts

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Thursday Thoughts

~I’ll do a full recap later, but I got a payout from Moxie Jean yesterday (you can see what I sent in here)! I am impressed with their timing, but I think my expections of a payout were too high. For 11 items, I received $22.99. Am I thrilled? No. Would I have gotten more on say ebay? Maybe, but it would have been a pain in the butt. Would I have gotten more or even this much at a garage sale? Not a chance!  I am tossing around the idea of starting a FB Group to Buy / Sell / Trade kids clothes though.  I know some of you have GREAT stuff and I would love to trade and buy without the middle man!

~L is headed up-north today, while B is headed up tomorrow after work.  I don’t *think* WB and I are going to go (I have SO much to do around here it’s insane), but we’ll see.  L is so excited about the trip he can hardly stand it and I am excited for him.  WB is totally going to miss L though.  The older WB gets  The cooler L gets.

L’s trunks are so bright they make him glow.

~B and I completed the Challenge on Tuesday and I am happy to report I am down around 14lbs!  Woot woot!  Most of it was lost during the 10 Day Cleanse portion but I also didn’t measure inches lost which they recommend.  B and I had a cheat day yesterday and I had a Diet Pepsi and yeah, I felt like crap after.  I was just so FULL.  It’s back at clean eating again today though!  I am plan to use Catalyst, Thermoplus, the Meal Replacement Shakes and of course Spark still.

~It’s been SO hot here lately.  Like sweltering hot.  We went outside for a walk / bike ride yesterday afternoon and realized about 5 minutes into it that it was a bad idea!  Way too hot for that.  So we headed home and did some coloring and art and crafts.  WB even participated.  And then later we watched a new Scooby Doo dvd we rented from the library.  L’s already excited to go back to the library next week to get more books and dvd’s.  What are some of your “it’s too hot to play outside activities”?

~I know The Challenge: Rivals II started this week, but it’s not on Hulu yet.  I’m not sure how you can tell if it will be or not, but I need to get my Challenge fix soon.  Have you watched?  Tell me what I am missing!


~I’m still trying to decide if I should go to BlogHer next week.  I’m tossing around the idea of going there Friday and coming back Saturday.  B’s down for it and says he’ll entertain the kids in the city while I do some “blog stuff”.  It’s SO close (well closer than it’s been in the past) and I have always wanted to go check out the swag (aka the Expo Hall) so why not?  If I can get an insanely cheap hotel room (through Priceline or something), I’m doing it.

That’s it from here.  I gotta finish folding laundry and get L all packed up!  And don’t forget to link-up your Thursday Thoughts below!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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