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What I’m Loving Wednesday!

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I’m linking up again with this kind of love for What I’m Loving Wednesday.

I’m Loving…..

My Boys
My Boys

The Boys. Watching these two little guys turn into mini B’s is probably the best thing ever.  And watching B with his mini me’s?  Well that’s the best thing ever too.  The other night WB woke up for a late night playing session and L was also still awake, so piled in our bed and laughed and laughed.  WB is just nuts and watching him mimic L’s actions is highly entertaining.  I think we all went to bed feeling extra happy that night!

I’m Loving…..

Fancy Cutting Boards

Index Cutting Boards: While I personally feel like any old cutting board will do the trick for my needs, B saw these on Fancy and “needed” them.  And the minute they arrived he tossed out all his other cutting boards and replaced them with these.  Listen, if he’s happy  and enjoys using these more than normal ones to cook with, I’m happy!

I’m Loving…..

Disney Foodles

Disney Foodles: We ran across these while at Target (where else) and L and I were so excited!  I think they remind us both of the Disney cruise which is why we both really like them ;).  L is under the impression that we are going on a Disney Cruise every year for his birthday (what??), but at the same time doesn’t like to talk about our last trip too often because it makes him sad it’s over.  How stinkin cute is he??

I’m Loving…..

PJ Pants!

PJ Pants.  I don’t know what it is, but once I have pj pants on, all is right in the world.  It may be because I don’t let myself put them on anymore until I have done C25K or gotten 10,000 steps in?  They signal the end of the day and mean bedtime is near!

I’m Loving…..


30 Signs You’re Almost 30: Well I am way over 30, but I still find this to be funny and totally true.  If I went on a girls trip now, I would need my own room.  And I don’t like loud music at bars.  Heck, I don’t even like going out that much!  I am perfectly happy at home with the kids at night.

I’m Loving…..

The Garden

 The Garden.  I don’t know if I originally took this picture of WB or the garden, but it’s the best recent one I have of the garden so I am using it.  We are starting to get veggies out of it and I am loving it! So far we’ve gotten peppers and tomatoes, but more I am hoping for zucchini’s soon.  B has huge plans for next year and plans to have a salsa garden, a huge strawberry patch, fruit trees, etc.

That’s it from here.  What are you loving this week?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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