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August Googaro Review + Coupon Code

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
August Googaro Box
August Googaro Box

When the folks over at Googaro asked if I wanted to check out one of their monthly boxes I was super excited. They are one of the subscriptions on my “to try” list (which I will admit is long, but still) so this was perfect! In case you haven’t heard of them, Googaro is a monthly care package for babies (up to age 3) which includes 4-5 full-sized mom-approved products tailored to your baby’s age delivered right to your door.

The Box

Googaro ships via USPS Priority Mail at the beginning of the month. According to their FAQ, boxes typically arrive by the 15th of the month – which mine did.

First Look
Second First Look

I loved the packaging on Googaro and it felt like I was opening a present!  At first glance everything in the package looked great and totally usable, which is always key ;).

The Information Card

Googaro has a great information card which you know I love.  It’s got pictures plus plenty  of information on each product, which is great.  The only thing that would make it better is if it had prices.  Oh, I should mention that WB got the box for a 1-2 year old.  Boxes are broken down by 0-6 months, 6-12 months, 1-2 years and 2-3 years.  Here’s what it included:

~Zoli Straw Sippy Cup ($12):  I love trying out new sippy cups and this is one brand I have never tried!  WB is the perfect test subject because he loves to throw them on the ground and I love to see if they leak when they are tossed (FYI most do).  This looks to be the same style as the Skip Hop ones I love, except with handles.  Oh, and I should mention that I don’t mind at all that it’s purple.  Yes, I have boys, but they can certainly use a purple cup.  We have Dora ones and L uses them and could care less.

Zoli Straw Sippy Cup

~Green Sprouts Waterproof Bib ($12.50):  I am going to pack this in my bag as an emergency I forgot to bring an extra shirt bib (this happens all the time) and also as a smock for painting projects.

Green Sprouts Waterproof Bib

~Rich Frog Beastie Ball (Hoots) ($8.95): I thought this looked familiar when I opened the box and it turns out it’s because we have the Owl K’NIT Block (I think it came in a CL box last fall)!!  What are the odds we’d end up with a matching set?  WB has an amazing arm and hopefully we can use this to start to learn to play catch (instead of just “throw”)!  Why do kids learn how to catch anyway? I know it took L awhile, but I don’t recall the exact age?

Rich Frog Beastie Ball

~ARC Thermometer ($5.98): I have an in-ear thermometer that I love (and that I have used a ton because L used to get sick ALL the time), so I will probably end up throwing this in my travel bag or leaving it up-north.  A sick kid is bound to happen up there or on vacation so it’ll be nice to have to use to determine the level of illness (*).

ARC Thermometer

~Garden Veggie Straws ($1): These were an extra treat in the box and are much appreciated.  L and I both love them!

Garden Veggie Straws

All totaled I came up with a value of $40.43 for the August Googaro Box.  I am quite pleased with my first box and am considering picking up a subscription for WB!

WB was VERY interested.

Did you get a Googaro box this month?  What’d you think?  If you are interested in learning more or signing up, click here.  Googaro starts at $35/month, but you can use the code “FABMOM” to save $10 off a 3-month or longer subscription.  Or, if you aren’t ready to commit, you can use the code “FABFINDS” to save 10% off a one-time only box (you can find those under the “Shop” tab or just click here).

Disclosure: This complimentary box was received for review purposes. As always, all opinions are my own and no compensation was received!
(*) So one afternoon a few years ago, L’s daycare called B to let him know L had a fever and needed to be picked up.  So B calls me and tells me this and calmly informs that L’s fever is “104”.  So OF COURSE I freak out, call the doctors office (which was closing in like 10 minutes of course), run to the store for supplies, etc.  Umm, turns out it was “100.4” and B just heard the daycare people wrong over the phone.  Ugh.  I felt so dumb when the nurse from the doctors office called me later (probably from her house) to check on him.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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