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Sunday Sentiments

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Once again, I’m totally stealing Jen’s Sunday Sentiments button and idea and making it mine tonight. As always, I don’t even know if she is doing this tonight, but I’m not letting that stop me.

~I wanted to do something fun this weekend and even considered heading to Niagara Falls for the night, but decided instead to be responsible (aka boring) and get things done around the house. I think we are going to the fair tomorrow, so that should be fun, but it’s no Niagara Falls that’s for sure.

~So earlier tonight B was out front with the boys and all of a sudden the door swings open and B runs inside like a madman. I was like WTF and thought right away someone got hurt. Nope. The ice cream man was coming. Of course, all the boys had to get ice cream. And can someone tell me why the ice cream man only comes before dinner or at like 9pm?

~We stopped by the Apple Store this weekend (B needed some cable or something) and I was this close to buying a new MacBook, but I just couldn’t do it! I’m want the 15″ Pro with Retna Display, but it’s way too expensive, so I am thinking about just getting the Air. Does anyone have one? Thoughts?

The Air

~For whatever reason I kind of forgot for a second that we don’t have cable and I won’t be able to watch Breaking Bad until tomorrow night!  Boo!!  Something tells me it’s SO going to be worth the wait.

~I’m on this crazy Bento box kick and have traded for another blue one (for WB) and a pink/purple one for myself.  And I couldn’t be more excited about it.  I see a lot of picnics in our future.

~Did anyone else check out the meteor shower last night??  We did and saw a bunch of shooting stars, which L thought was the coolest.  It’s going on again tonight too, but it’s cloudy here.

~If you got my weekly Newsletter in your e-mail today and didn’t open it, you should!  There’s a newsletter exclusive giveaway in there this week!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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