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Monday Morning Ramblings

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~Well Sunday’s over and that can only mean one thing!  Monday!  Saturday the little boys and I went to Target with my mom (we were on a Goodbyn clearance hunt for my cousin who GASP lives hours and hours from a Target – I’d move) and then played outside while B ran in the Iron Warrior Dash across the state.  Sunday – we rested.  It was a great weekend and I got a ton done!

I think it’s illegal NOT to try on those wigs when you are in Target.

~Okay, so I have NO idea what this is all about, but the first 5,000 people to submit their information tonight at 12:01am EST still receive a free “Style Box of Joy” from the US Postal Service.  You know I am going to try for it.  It’ll go super quick, so set an alarm on your phone if you want to try for it.  Edited: 1am.  The site finally loaded and allowed people to enter info.  Report back if you get a box!

Style Box of Joy

~I thought the Emmy’s were kind of meh last night.  I mean I liked them and watched them all, but they were nothing amazing.  I always think these awards shows are going to be SO awesome, but they really just turn out being so long.  How about we skip, like, umm, everything except the actual handing out of awards?  As always, the best part was the dresses.  I loved Sofia Vergara, Allison Williams, Kaley Cuoco and Shawn Robinson’s.   I don’t really know who the critics picked for best and worst dressed, but I didn’t think there was anything too awful this year (was there)?

image credit: Gettys

~It’s shaping up to be a fairly slow subscription box week around here.  I’m expecting The Bride Box, Goodies Co., Plated and, umm, that might just be it?  Is that possible?  Oh wait, hopefully some Fancy boxes show up??  I’m kind of excited because this may mean I get the kids clothes sorting project done! So.many.clothes.

~Okay, totally totally random, but has anyone ever used fabric spray?  I saw it last night while I was browsing Fancy and it looks so cool!  I am guessing you can buy it at like JoAnn Fabric or Michaels or something and I totally want to get some to make some fun t-shirts with L.

The Spray

~And I gotta know, did anyone (everyone but me probably) watch Breaking Bad last night?  Tell me everything without revealing anything.

~That’s about it from here this morning.  What’s going on for you this week?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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