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Sunday Sentiments

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.


As usual, I am stealing Jen’s Sunday Sentiments button and idea and making it mine tonight. I’ve “known” Jen for umm, 10 years (and yet we’ve never met), and she knows I do it, so it’s not exactly stealing. But then again, it’s not a link up either ;).

~It’s possible that today was the most perfect day here in MI. Perfectly sunny but with that hint of fall chill in the air. Pumpkin candles lit, football on tv, ahhh, loved it all. And I got to sleep in! I stayed up way too late Saturday night and I was tired. B on the other hand had been gone all day yesterday (seriously he had to leave at 3am) running the Iron Warrior Dash (since when is 15.4 miles a “dash”) and was in bed by 7am.  So he took the boys out to Tim Hortons for breakfast and the furries and I slept.  It.was.amazing.

I’m not even going to ask him why they had no coats on when it was 50 degrees.

~OMG so not only is Breaking Bad on tonight, but so are the Emmy’s!  I will watch the Emmy’s tonight and Breaking Bad tomorrow so don’t spoil it for me.  I’m a huge NPH fan (I’d put him on my “list” but yeah he wouldn’t be down for that) and of course, seeing everyone’s dresses.  As for Breaking Bad, why am I still on Team Walt?  I’d love nothing more than to se the show end with his cancer cured and him, Skyler, Walt Jr. and Holly, sitting on a beach somewhere with a pile of money.  Heck maybe Marie and Jessie could even be there and somehow fall in love.  Clearly I live in a fantasy world cuz this ain’t happening.  But I do know that B better get his butt home from school early tomorrow so we can watch together.  Otherwise, dude, you’re on your own.  I can’t wait.

~So my thredUP bag (which they received on 8.28.13) is now showing as “Processing Payout” in my account and I am so stinkin anxious to see my payout amount. Will I get $0.90 like some people have gotten for their bag?  $20?  $80?  Who knows.  I don’t even know what I sent in (obviously I’m not missing any of that in my closet) so it’s a complete mystery!


~In case you missed it, my PopSugar Fall Style Box finally appeared yesterday!  I have been having such a good time stalking Instagram (#popsugar) and MUT checking out everyone’s bag variations.  If you got this box, which one did you get?  Send me a picture!  And if you want to trade with someone, feel free to leave a comment with a link to the picture of your bad and hopefully everyone can end up with a bag they love!

~I have also been busy trading for items from various subscription boxes that I have been loving lately to save for Christmas gifts.  Tops on my list are the Citrus Lane Hape Blocks & Cars, the PopSugar Barr Diffuser and a few items from the Fall Style Box.  I’m going to put together some killer gifts (on the cheap) this year and am also hiding some stuff away for some holiday giveaways I am planning ;).  Have you started shopping yet?

~I’ve got some blog stuff to work on tonight so there won’t be a newsletter (again) this week, BUT I swear there will be one next week. I swear. And you know what? I’ll even do a giveaway of some sort in next weeks newsletter! Anything I’ve received lately that you’re dying to try?  OHHH, and don’t forgot to enter my Fall Favorites Giveaway if you haven’t already!  Only a few days left!


That’s it from here.  What’s on your mind tonight?  Are you as excited about tonight’s tv schedule as much as I am?

Disclosure: This post contains various referral links.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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