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Friday iPhone Dump

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If you feel like linking up and showing off your weekly iPhone pictures grab the button and link-up below!  If not, that’s cool too.

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1. Are these pjs not the cutest things ever?  I mean the kid wearing them is a doll too, but little Thomas cozy pjs on a baby?  Love!

2. This is from last week, but I love it so much I don’t even care that I am breaking the rules.  Plus, someone mentioned they wanted to see the furries , so here you go!!

3. After picking up my laptop and getting my sunglasses fixed, I took the boys to the play area at the mall.  It was basically the perfect fall afternoon, but the play area was so empty which was awesome because I didn’t have to worry about WB getting knocked over by big kids.  The boys loved it and L and I agreed we need to do that after school more.

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4. WB sees me all the time and while I like to *think* I am his favorite, I am so not.  He about loses his sh*t when he sees B.  He gets SO excited.  So having B to himself for a few hours on Monday was amazing for him!

5. You can thank these two for the Tigers win last night!  L had Tigers day at school so we picked up some shirts while at the mall.  L and I had a huge discussion about which player’s shirt to get.  We finally settled on Verlander ones for him and WB.  And what do you know, Verlander was amazing.  I’ll be making these boys wear these shirts during the next game for sure ;).

6. Just a little Mama / WB selfie!

7. I think next week I am going to start branching out with L’s lunches and to figure out how to include some hot items as well.  We will see how that goes ;).  Plus, I got some super cool bento stuff (thanks again Tracey) which I am going to use to fancy up Ls lunch even more!

8.  Every night, they sit together and “read”.  Sometimes the stories last longer than others.  But they always sit down together with a book even if it’s not for long.

9. Stop it WB, just stop it.  The cuteness is just too much.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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